Fate Is Sometimes A Piece Of Shit

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Yoongi maintained his focus on his food.

Just that morning, he had come back from looking over the renovation of his apartment, before straight heading into the studio to continue his work.

Namjoon had been busy with handling the new group's project, the other three friends of his working hard on the other aspects of the album. And with him being busy producing songs, their interactions throughout the few weeks had mainly been professional.

And now, well...

Yoongi had skipped lunch, and that, unfortunately, attracted the attention of the four insects to come and bug him out of the studio.

It was a much-needed break though, and the alpha was silently grateful for it.

But maybe not anymore.

"How was it? Hmmmm?"

"Shut up Namjoon."

"Heeey... don't talk to my omega like that!" there was no bite in it, the voice high as Hoseok teased the elder alpha.

"How was what?"

Jungkook you little shit mind your own business would you...

"Oh!" Taehyung sat up straight, a light bulb going off. "Is... do you mean that?"

Namjoon suggestively wriggled his eyebrows, which was enough confirmation for the younger omega.

"Oh em gee!"

"What? That what? What's goin on?"

"So? Yoongi-hyung, come ooon..." Tae reached around to poke him on his arm, "don't be shy~"

The alpha swatted.

"Shy for what?"

"Hyung's got the number. Now all he gotta do, is text him," Hoseok says, before fixing a glare at him. "You did text him, right?"

Yoongi shrugged, then nodded. "For the shopping yes-"

"Oh my god you're hopeless."

"Are we surprised?"

"Text who?"


"How long has it been- Did you text him after?"

Yoongi looking back down on his food was enough to make Hoseok and Namjoon sigh exasperatedly.

"Come on hyung!"

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