Dynamics And Arrangements

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Yoongi sighed, resting his head on the coffee table.

The maknaes snickered at their hyung's demise.

Namjoon patted his back in sympathy.

"We're here to talk about the pack shit."

Hoseok gasped dramatically. "Hyung!" he hissed, "There are babies!"

Yoongi gave him a stank face. "They're literally sleeping in the room."

The younger grinned. "I know. Let's talk then. Pack stuff."

"We have... a lot of things to cover, before any of this can be official..."

Namjoon nodded from next to him. "True. I've done some reading and research, and its best to prepare to make the registration easier."

"Of course you did..." Yoongi mumbled, shifting in his place to pull up his knees to his chest.

"Let's get over this one by one..."

Namjoon pulls out a small leather book, and Yoongi groaned as everyone clapped and giggled at the sight of it, while Hoseok nodded at his mate proudly for always being prepared. Namjoon looked at Yoongi, offended.

"Alright guys, not too loud. Pups are still sleeping."

At Jin's words, everyone calmed down. They huddled closer around Namjoon, ready to participate in this list of his.

"First off... members of the pack."

"Well... there are seven of us, and then the two pups, so nine?"

"Why ask?" Yoongi looked at the book.

"I dunno... maybe you want more people in?"

"Do you?"

They all looked at each other.

"I... like this..." Jungkook whispers, "I like us."

"Yeah," Seokjin agreed. "I think the nine of us are okay. If there's gonna be any additional members, 's the pups."


"Okay," Namjoon says then, "For the registry, we would need the usual details. Copies of our birth certificates, ID cards, medical cards... blah blah blah. I'll send them later. Next, well, its based on all the papers needed. Basically, they want to know that, as a pack, can we all live together."

"And? What does that entail?"

"The papers are needed to make sure that we're financially stable, and that we have a secure place to live."

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