Demons and Cuddles

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Inside the attic, Betelgeuse, his hair color a deepened purple, plopped himself flat out on the floor, remained in that exact position for at least a little while, and made constant depressed noises, bringing even more concern to the Maitlands. As Adam closed the window that led out onto the roof, Barbara, worried, had her attention focused on Betelgeuse. Adam moved to join her, both of them leaning against a nearby wall.

"Do you... think he's... okay?" Barbara asked rather confusedly, tilting her head to the side and folding her arms.

"I'm... not sure," Adam said, scratching a little at his head. He crossed the room with Barbara following closely behind, both of the ghosts moving to sit themselves down on the floor right beside the demon.

Barbara reached her hand out, putting it on one of the demon's shoulder with Adam doing the same thing. "Bug, you okay?"

"No..." Betelgeuse, voice muffled, mumbled out.

The Maitlands retracted their hands, looking confusedly at one another.

"Should we do something?" Barbara asked, Adam thinking to himself before looking back at Barbara and nodding in response. He quietly whispered a plan to Barbara, and she nodded in response before looking back down towards Betelgeuse.

"Hey, bug, you up for some cuddles?"

"Can it be for a little while?" Betelgeuse asked, his hair color a mix between blush pink and green, now sitting up and looking between both of the ghosts.

Adam and Barbara briefly looked at one another, before nodding in unison as they looked back down towards Betelgeuse. That, to both of them, seemed like a good idea. Why not give it a try. Adam stood up followed by Barbara, the latter of the two reaching down and helping Betelgeuse up.

They carefully led him over towards a bed, which they rarely ever used, and he almost immediately plopped himself down onto it. Still face down. But only for a little while. He maneuvered himself so that he was sat upright on top of the bed and looking over towards the Maitlands. Waiting for the two ghosts to join him.

And, for a while, they didn't.

Betelgeuse, hair color now a mix between blue and purple, confusedly cocked his head to the side. "Sexy, Babs, what're you guys waiting for?"

Adam and Barbara looked at one another, then back towards Betelgeuse.

"Y'know," Barbara said, her and Adam climbing up onto the bed and moving to lay on their sides next to Betelgeuse. "When we asked if you were up for cuddles, we didn't mean with your clothes off... again."

"Believe me, it's easier this way," Betelgeuse said, refusing to poof his clothes back onto his body and smirking slightly as his hair color became a blush pink entirely. "And besides, you guys know that you want to cuddle up with me whilst I'm like this."

Although confused, Adam and Barbara shared a determined look.

"Yeah." Barbara curled up next to Betelgeuse with Adam doing the same. "We are. But, next time you're up for cuddles, make sure that you have your clothes on. You can't just undress yourself every time we do this."

"I can make no promises."

Barbara sat up at the same time as Adam, both ghosts looking down towards the demon and beginning to regret these decisions of theirs. Betelgeuse had, by now, gone straight back to relaxing, his hands rested his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.

"Then we're both going to just refuse to cuddle with you. Unless you promise us that you will the next time," Barbara said, a slight and sly smirk crossing her face. Betelgeuse sat upright on the bed, his eyes widening in shock as his hair color became a lightened shade of blue and he looked over towards the Maitlands.

"Wait, no. Please don't. I promise I will next time," the demon uttered out.

A smile crossed Barbara and Adam's faces, Barbara speaking up. "That's what I thought. So are you up for some cuddles with us or what, mister?"

"I'm up," Betelgeuse said, his hair turning blush pink. Adam and Barbara nodded.

Betelgeuse moved to lay flat out in the bed again, with Adam and Barbara moving to again lay on either side of the demon. Barbara again rested one of her hands against Betelgeuse's chest. With Adam doing the same. Betelgeuse rested one hand around Barbara's shoulder and his other one around Adam's, both of the ghosts shifting a little and relaxing against the demon. And that made his hair become a brighter shade of pink.

Barbara reached her other hand up, cupping it around one of Betelgeuse's cheeks. That, of course, made the demon's hair revert back to its previous lighter blush pink color. Barbara opened one eye, grinning playfully at Betelgeuse.

"You like that don't you?" the female ghost asked, playfully winking over at Betelgeuse and retracting her hand.

"Yes... don't stop... please don't stop....I... want... I need some more of that..." the demon murmured out. He reached a hand out, grabbing Barbara's and cupping it around his cheek again. Adam reached his hand out, resting it on Betelgeuse's neck.

Betelgeuse rolled over on his side to face Adam, causing Barbara to retract her hand in the process. "Sexy, I know you're up to kiss."

"Only if Barbara both thinks and says that it's okay." Adam playfully and teasingly smiled back over towards Betelgeuse, before sitting up and looking over Betelgeuse and towards Barbara. The female ghost looked up at him, nodding her agreement.

"Go ahead," she said. "As long as I get a turn with Betelgeuse afterwards."

Adam nodded, moments before Betelgeuse immediately went in for a kiss. Adam, although unperturbed by the demon's smell, relaxed in the kiss. Then it wasn't that much long before Adam pulled out of the hug. But Betelgeuse had since gone straight to making kissy noises and Adam pushed him away.

"Let's..." Adam said, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Just stick to the cuddling for now. I don't know how much more I can take."

Betelgeuse winked at him. "Whatever you say, Sexy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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