Cast of characters so far

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Fraya Beauchamp/ Gardiner played by see bio
Ingrid Beauchamp/ Gardiner played by see bio
Dash Gardiner played by see bio
Killian Gardiner played by see bio
Wendy Beauchamp/ Winters played by see bio

Child of Ingrid & Dash Twin 1 played by will be made
Child of Ingrid & Dash twin 2 played by will be made

Child of Fraya & Killian played by not doing up yet as still not be / been born yet

Husband of Wendy Beauchamp/ Winters see character sheet/ bio

Author note 4 see each character sheet for pic and played by
Also since said children or child is either born or is being born they will each have a younger pic or are still not born yet for this novel. Till way later on. Thank you for understanding why there character sheets/ bios are or not done yet. And as well for Wendy's husband see notes above.

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