The Conjure Bag:
Hoodoo Herbs and RootsNext we present some of the herbs that are used in the preparation of Hoodoo and Rootwork spells.
GINGER gives fiery protection from evil; it also heats up love affairs and sexuality.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR ROOT as an amulet has no equal. It is used for drawing luck, gaining mastery, and strengthening the libido of men. Folks make a dressing oil from chips of the root, and incorporate it into sachet powders, incense, and crystals for bath or floor wash.
QUEEN ELIZABETH ROOT, also known as ORRIS ROOT, can be used to attract men and to cause them to love you.
ANGELICA ROOT, also known as HOLY GHOST ROOT,ARCHANGEL ROOT, and DONG QUAI), enhances female magickal power and strength, and protects children.
LUCKY HAND ROOT is also known as HELPING HAND or SALEP ROOT. This unusual name refers to a rare wild orchid that grows in the form of a hand with 2 - 10 life-like "fingers." Gamblers say that its grasping action brings in the winnings -- and musicians employ it to help them with fingering of their instruments. "
FIVE-FINGER GRASS, also known as SILVERWEED) brings success in all the things that five fingers can do, and is used to get others to do you favours.
HYSSOP HERB is a purification herb for cleansing yourself or your hme, to put an end to crossed conditions, to take off a jinx, or break a hex.
THE DEVIL POD is known as BAT NUT, GOAT HEAD, BULL NUTand BUFFALO NUT and grants the owner strong protection from evil.
CALAMUS ROOT, also known as SWEET FLAG, is used by those who wish to control a situation or to dominate a specific person.
LICORICE ROOT will help you gain power over others and control them; it is also used to change someone's mind.
DEER'S TONGUE is used to get someone to love you, to obtain a proposal of marriage, and also for court cases.
LITTLE JOHN TO CHEW is also known as CHEWING JOHN and GALANGAL; folks chew it and spit it out to win in court.
The New Generation of Witches of West End
FantasyThis is a new twist of the book and TV show of the Witches of East End. I have borrowed only 5 of the main characters from both the book and show, I have only changed the last names as now they will be either newly married/ married or taken on a dif...