Preliminary regrets..*see character sheet example for Hawthorn*

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She had never been more thankful for her father's "safety" measures before, having always thought them a little on the obsessive compulsive side. However that was until Ringing Rocks was hit with an earth quake. Book cases bolted to the walls they stood against, shelving with lips on the edges, and cabinets with slotted compartments to hold things in place. As she had cleaned up those items that did manage to find their way to the floor she marveled at her father's crafting ability, or she mused did he know something no one else did?

As she sat at the breakfast bar patiently awaiting the oven timer to ping her eyes traveled around the area, so many changes through her years. New cabinets here, more book shelves there, a floor, or new stairs. With a small shake of her head she pulled open the leather bound journal.

Dear Dad,

Sometimes I wonder if I am blind, unable to see what is right before me because of all of the things around the outside? Blinded by uncertainty and confusion, even by my own sense of logic at times. For when I see things no one else can, why can't I understand them? I wonder if on some level inside me there is fear, fear for the outcome, fear for my sanity. If I dwell to long, dig too deep, obsess too much will, like so many of my family, I fall away from this reality into some other place where sanity doesn't live. Or Is it that I just don't see the connections in the right place or the right order, am I over thinking or not thinking enough. Perhaps I just can't bring my visions to clarity so that we as a whole can understand them.

I can't help the thoughts of could I have, should I have from coming. I never can regardless on if I know that none of this rests on one set of shoulders. Should I have known then, when I saw the visions, could I have known what they meant , should I have known. Why didn't I realize it the night he was summoned into our house? I knew he had not gotten you, yet your voice came from his lips. I knew Braham had died to replace Phae, than why didn't I understand what the repercussions of that would mean? Why couldn't I take all the strings and weave them together, why couldn't we? I continue to struggle with this in silence my own trial to judge and the defendant is myself.

Oh how I wish I had been patient, smarter a little more conscious of what I was doing before I had cast that truth spell with Kasper. I didn't believe not really than, but how much I regret that mistake. Maybe you couldn't make things clearer for me, maybe you would not have had any answers that I cannot find myself, maybe you still would have told me it is all just bad dreams. I won't ever know and that is a painful regret.

We are working now, together to try to find a way to stop what we know is coming, but like the first snow ball of an avalanche, can we even catch it in time to prevent the mountain from falling?

The movement of the pen paused and the petite little witch's eyes lifted from her journal and turned to glance towards the door. After about five minutes she thought she heard the sound of a car door and she started to rise. However she heard her four footed alarm system go off somewhere upstairs which muffled the sound of the truck door closing. The large puppy came pelting down the stairs in a loud snarl of barking and growls. From her position in the kitchen she could tell that his momentum was too great and he was going to...The thump of the door reverberated through the house as Ranger side collided with the heavy wood surface.

"Ranger.." she called to him as she walked round out of the kitchen to collect her dog. "Coming.." she spoke a half second before the doorbell finally rang. "Hush now.." she placed a relaxing hand on the dog's head, and linked her fingers into the collar round his neck, speaking a few words in a soft quiet almost in audible voice. Once the dog had relaxed enough she approached the door and cracked it open. "Yes?"

Standing there in his scruffy pants and hoodie sweat shirt was a young guy, looking a little pale around the eyes. Most likely she thought from the Ranger welcome of only moments ago. "Ms. Emmeline Gilbert?" his voice sounded strange to her ears, it had a quiet tremble under it's obvious note of awe. It made her sigh aloud, even though she knew it might be a little rude.

"Yes, that would be me.."

Once the question had been answered whatever spell broke and the delivery boy suddenly realized why he was standing on the prom queen, now town witch's door step. Bending down he lifted the large vase up in both his hanj p0jïj ds. "Delivery for you.." he spoke through the grand ball of pink reds and purples.

Of course this took the petite witch by complete surprise, no one since her father had ever sent her flowers and for no apparent reason. It was not until the boy at the door cleared his throat that she snapped back to the present and smiled a little shyly.

"Oh sorry.. sure let me take those.." she reached forward and pulled the flowers to her, cradling them in her arm as she was requested to sign the digital board, than fished in her jeans pocket for whatever spare money she had. "Thank you.. " she offered as she handed him the small folded bills and closed the door.

Now that the door was closed Ranger bounded around his chosen trying to figure out what she had in her hand. "Oh come on Ranger let me get these down.." the scold was more laugh than serious and the dog knew it. With a small stumble forward, helped by the backside of the large dog, the vase and flowers clattered a little too sharply to the table. "Hey.." steadying the swaying object a few moments before turning to look sternly at her dog. "Upstairs now....Go." with what looked like a frown the dog turned and slunk up the stairs. A roll of her eyes and a smile was offered to the overly large puppy as she took the card from its holder and began to read.

Aliquando autem per crassum et tenue admonendus tempus eversionis, et contentiones sint in tempora et qui altius cogitat, aliquis tibi magis cura est de vobis cum omni transiens die ac nocte - Jeremy

She struggled with the card for a few moments, only being able to pick out a few of the words with ease. "Latin.. he had to write it in latin.." but she could not keep the smile off her face as she set the card down and returned to her journal.

Sometimes dad I think I might not be the only seerer in Ringing Rocks, or people know me better than I think they do. Why do you ask? Well, I just got a flower delivery from one Jeremy Winston, yep that Jeremy Winston. An interesting way to hijack my darkly spirally brain, like he somehow knew I needed a distraction to pull it back from the brink. At least that is what I can gather from his card, as he wrote it in latin, but I think he is saying I am not always as alone as I think I am... and Dad, I think I like the idea of not being alone and not being alone with him.

It makes me wonder and actually on some level regret a choice made, that was never fulfilled. Can you have a preliminary regret, can you regret something you never did but thought about? I don't know, but I am glad now I did go through with it.

Good night Dad, I am going to go and translate my card and finish my dinner.
Love * charcter example for Hawthorn *AN- see charater sheets/bio for this person

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