Chapter 5

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Serena's POV...

I'm just mixed with feelings right now...I'm sad, angry, hurt and broken. but one question still confuses did my mom get that glass stuck in her leg?? Then I remembered something...the letter!!!

"Jason!!! The letter on the door. I forgot it!!" I needed to know what was in there.

"Chill Serena,  I'll tell Luke and Tony to pass for it okay?"

"Okay" I answered relived. Then I decided to call Katie so I took out my phone and dialed her number.

After three rings, she picked up.

"Heyy giirl!!" She greeted happily.

"Hi katie. Can you please come to the hospital?" I asked sniffling a little bit.

"Serena?? Are you ok? Ok on my way there right now. Hang in there Rena." She said all in one breath before cutting the line.

I just sat there silently in the lobby praying, because god was only one who could help me and my mother now.

After about five minutes the doors burst open showing a very messy Katie. Liam and Tony followed suit. Katie rushed to me and hugged me while I just cried and cried into her shirt. A good five minutes later, I felt Liam tpping my shojlder gently with handing me the piece of paper.

I took it slowly and started to read. I read and re-read the letter while I coved my mouth with my hands to try and stop myself from hyperventilating.

All my frustrations and darkest times played before my mind.

From being bullied for almost my whole life, to my parents arguing,  to my dad leaving me without a proper goodbye and finally to my mom getting hurt and leaving me a heart-wrenching letter.

All these thoughts consumed me, set me on overdrive and soon all the lights in my body were turned off and I felt myself falling.

The last thing I heard was Katie screaming my name...
Cliffhanger!! Gosh I love those. So anyway here's another chapter. Expect one tomorrow. P.s that's a picture of Katie to the side. So...who wants to know what the letter said? Comment if you wanna know!! Byzzz

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