Chapter 6

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    I look around at all the damage done to the city. I run my fingers through my hair, until I hear Caine. "Hey, over here." He says opening the door to a small blue car I walk over towards the drivers side and he just leans on the car so I can't get in. "Uh do you even know how to drive?" I ask if he doesn't say anything and just gets in the car and closes the door. I throw my hands up and go on the passenger side. He starts the car and starts driving off. Neither of us say anything for a little while, not exactly sure what to say to each other. "So you wanna tell me what is going on?" I say not taking my attention off of the road. "Think we might have stumbled into a war within the Abrasax family." He responds I look over and gives him a questioning look "who the hell is the Abrasax family?" I ask.

    "It's one of the most powerful dynasties in the universe" he responds, "they're so powerful they need to destroy a city just to get one girl?" I ask, wondering as to why they want me so badly. "Those buildings will be rebuilt by tonight." He states and glances over to see my confused expression. "Take a look" I turned to see the building that was on fire and broken apart being rebuilt, good as new right before my eyes. "Holy shit" I responded, then I thought about something, "what about the people who saw what happened?"

    "You have a picture of keepers on your phone that you can't remember taking can you?" I give him a raised eyebrow, "they blanked you. Short-term is easy. They won't get everybody, but no one ever believes the ones that slip through the cracks." He states, I regain my thoughts. "Why is this even happening to me?" He glances at me then keeps his focus on the road, "I asked Titus that question before I took this job. All he'd tell me is that it was personal."

    "Oh great" I respond sarcastically, "is he one of those Abrasax?" "The house of Abrasax has three primary heirs. The oldest is Balem. He's the one who controls this planet, and obviously is the one who wants you dead." He explained.

    "That makes no sense, I'm a nobody" I state, "Balem Abrasax wouldn't demolish an entire city for a nobody." He responded, I didn't know what to say. I sat and looked out the window and thought of the incidents that have occured. An hour or so went by and I sat up and started to rummage through the glove compartment. "What are you doing?" Caine asked, "I just want the owner of this car to know why we borrowed it." I say looking through the papers, "we needed a low profile to get out of the city." I close the glove compartment and look over to see a gash on his left side, "you're bleeding" he looks down at his side, "don't worry about it, it's fine."

    I smirk and open the glove compartment back up, "lucky for you the owner of this car is a woman" I say grabbing a pad from the back of the glove compartment and opening it, he looks over at me then down at the pad. "What is that? Is that a..." I laugh at him, "yes it's a pad you big baby you'll be fine" I laugh taking the pad and applying light pressure on the gash. "You know I never got to thank you for saving my life. I don't know if I've ever been that scared and exhilarated before" we both laugh. "No really, but thank you. Do you do this type of assignment often?" He shakes his head "No" he continues to look between me and the road. "Then why did Titus hire you?"

    "Titus hired me, because I'm good at finding people." I nod, he looks at me but I keep my attention on his wound. "I'm assuming you're taking me to him now?" I ask, "No" I look back up to be met by his eyes, we look at each other for a moment before I break the contact and he turns his attention back to the road. A few minutes goes by in a comfortable silence, "is your arm getting tired?" He asks me hmm in response not paying attention he lightly laughs. "I asked if your arm is getting tired" I laugh slightly, "Oh, it's ok, but we can stick it to you if you want." I say taking my arm back and opening the glove compartment to grab another pad I open it and open the part with the wings. I look over to see Caine giving me a weirded out look, "what the hell?" He says I start dying of laughter, he pulls over and un-velcros the left side of his tank top and takes the pad and sticks it to himself and velcros his top back up and starts to drive again. A few minutes we pull into a driveway and he turns off the car, I take the hint and get out.

    "So how do you know this guy?" I ask walking alongside him looking around at the beautiful scenery, he sighs, "a long time ago he was a friend." He replies unenthusiastically, "oh. What's he doing living out here?" "He's a Marshal for the Aegis" he starts walking ahead of me. I just stay slightly back and look around. "Who or what is 'The Aegis'?" I ask, "they're like cops."

    "Fun. Space cops" I say partly sarcastic, I look up to see this huge house, it's white bark starting to peel off to reveal a dark brown. The house was covered in bee hives, bees buzzing all around. We walk upon the poarch, Caine knocks on the door looking around and hangs in head low a few seconds go by and nobody answers, so Caine knocks again. Almost immediately someone opened the door, he had what looked like a futuristic gun, he had stubble turning into a small beard, his glowed a greenish yellow in the light but normally blue. He had shorter hair but was still slightly long on the top, it was a lighter brown, he was shorter than Caine by a little bit but still taller than me wasn't hard considering I came just above Caine's shoulder.

    "Stinger." Caine says the man pulls the bottom part of the gun and makes a noise indicating it was loaded, I slowly put my hands up in defense. Caine starts to take steps back. I follow his lead and I step off to the side so I am on the side of both of them. "Back from the goddam dead." The man spits Caine sighs, "It's kind of funny, both of us ending up on this planet." Caine says calmly, the man lowers the gun, "funny ain't the word I'd use" he fully places the gun down then quickly swings punching Caine right in the jaw. I gasp and take a step back, Caine lands on his back off the poarch hard. "How'd you get out?" The man asked, walking towards Caine with anger spread all across his face. "Titus Abrasax. He hired me to lift her." Caine states getting back up on his feet, the man quickly looks over to me then back at Caine. "Since Deadland ain't taught you a damn thing..." The man says each word laced with anger he went to punch Caine again but this time Caine deflected it but it didn't do much as the man quickly swung and got him in the nose, I didn't know what to do except stand there not quite sure if I should interfere or not.

    "Just as I was getting used to this life, you come back reminding me what I flushed down the shitter for you." I raised my eyebrow intrigued with what he was talking about, the man yet again went for another punch but Caine ducked, the quickly got him in the abdomen then once again on his jaw twice. He deflected Caines punch by ducking under his arm, then when Caine turned around the man punched him in the nose once again, Caine fell onto his back on the ground again, I was about to run over to him but he saw me and held his hand up for me to stay put I nodded and stayed where I was at. He starts to get back up, "where's Kiza? She used to at least listen to my side of the story." Caine asks getting up on his knee, "you stay the hell away from my daughter." The man spat kneeing Caine in the jaw causing him to fall back again. A beautiful girl with blond hair, and blueish-greenish eyes came into the door frame.

    "Don't drag me into your male into your male mating rituals." Caine gets back up and the two guys start fighting again. "Hi. I'm Kiza" the girl said holding out her hand, I looked between her and the guys and shook her hand, "Saturn. Nice to meet you." I turn my head back to the fight and see the man elbow the back of Caine's neck causing him to almost faceplant. "You used to have a little mettle in you, kid." The man said standing over condescendingly over Caine. "I guess I'm getting a little old." Caine responds, having a hand on his neck as he slowly starts to get back up. "Old? Look at me. Not a ReCode or a drop of Juice in years." The man said bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet waiting for Caine to get back up.

    "You are a lot uglier than I remember." Caine says before quickly getting up and picking up the man and ramming him into the railing causing it to completely break. The bees start to really surround me. I try to swat them away so they don't leave, I walk off the poarch to see if that would get them to stop but it doesn't. "Hey, uh guys." I say as hundreds of bees start to swarm and come all around me, "uh, what's happening?" I ask as I try to swat them away they move with my hand, I start to slowly raise and move my arms and the bees follow. "Wow" I laugh slightly spinning watching the bees move with me. The man slowly approaches me then goes down to one knee and lowers his head, "your majesty."

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