Chapter 10

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    Brice takes me to the command center then leaves to go see Juipter. "Welcome, Your Majesty, to the overpopulated, oozing cesspool we humbly call "home"" the guy at the control panel says. I turn to him "thank you" he nods in response. I look around at all the spacecraft and civilizations just in the space around it. "Wow" I smile trying to take it all in. Once we landed I was taken to the entrance and told to wait there, and to wait for an instructor. "I did three tours in Abukesh, a battle that caused the death of two million soldiers, and I'd rather be back there than have to deal with these bureaucrats." I slightly laugh, what looks to be a life looking robot comes in front of me. "Greetings, Your Majesties. I am intergalactic Advocate Bob, here to assist you through the Ascension Process. I give him a smile and we follow him into a crowded building with multiple people in it. We had to wait in an extremely long line. Once it is our turn, Bob goes up and rings the bell, which is high considering the desk was taller than me. The lady looks down "Sheve." Bob nods his head and places two what sounded like glass tablets onto the desk. "These are the authentic Recurrences of the twin Abrasaxs, and we have come to claim their titles." Bob says, I look around, there had to be over 1,000 people in there. "You need to file an Inheritance Petition, and if the title is held, you'll need a transfer of title." The lady says handing back the two tablets, Bob tells her thank you and we head off to other departments.

    "File a Quit Claim through Central Services, section 918." The older lady says, Bob says thank you and we go to find the Central Services. We finally make it there and have to stand in yet another long line. It was finally our turn. "You need a Title survey and geneprint identification, from Wills and Trusts" The guy said Bob, slightly short circuited then we went into the hall way and he looked at the electronic guides on the wall and nodded. I raised an eyebrow at him, once we found it the line was all the way in the hallway we didn't move for a good thirty minutes. I ended up leaning on Brice and falling asleep on him, until it was our turn and he woke me up. "I can't touch this without a tax number from the Revenue Review." The guy says to us Bob turns to me and Jupiter seeing our annoyed faces. Bob takes us to a back room and gets slightly startled by another bot, that looks like him but with brown hair. Bob shows him the tablets, "this is a revenue request, not revenue review." The bot says giving Bob back the tablets, they look each other up and down before leaving, I give a questioning look to the others, Caine shakes his head, and Brice shrugs. We finally made it, the line not being too bad this time, when we got up the guy was talking in a way that I don't understand. "We can't get the title, without the Tax ID." Bob says trying to not sound rude. I started to stare off into space, I was brought out when the guy behind the booth started talking. "Press your thumb in depression. I walk up and place my thumb there, then Jupiter does he gets two small cards like things. "Seals and Signets are on Sub-33" the guy says and starts to walk away, "Your Majesties" Bob says handing us the card things.

    We walk around a little bit more and Bob directs us to the room leaving the four of us to walk in. Caine and I go in first, while Jupiter and Brice wait in the hallway. I walk up to the desk and hand the guy my card. The guy gives me a weird look and pushes the card into a slot in the typewriter and mutters to himself. I look back at Caine with a raised questioning look, he just shakes his head. I look back over, the guy gets up and walks over to another contraption, he steps up on a mini ladder and takes deep breaths as he places the coin that came out of the typewriter down it's slot. He spins the crank and blue sparks come out of the machine and the coin rolls down into a bowl. The guy grabs it and pushes it into the slot on another machine, "would Your Majesty kindly place your wrist here?" He says pointing to the bar, "sure thing" I say rolling up the sleeve of my jacket. I place my hand down, "palm up please" he says I was about to rotate my hand but he spun the wheel so my palm was facing up. "Sorry" I say, "thank you, thank you" he says ignoring my apology, he pushes a button and four little mechanical contraptions start tapping on my skin, it slightly tickles. I smiled in awe as I watched it, when it was done what I can guess is some form of blue tattoo appeared on my skin. It was a tattoo of the planet Saturn with stars behind it. "That's so cool" I said quietly, "very nice. Very, very nice indeed. Now, here is your Code and Conduct Guide. And your Royal Ways and Means Commission. And file this with a Legion Administrator for your Royal Guard appointment. Yes?" The guy hands me a bunch of tablets, and other things. "Yep" I reply, he hands me the last tile. "Well, congratulations, Your Majesty, and my deepest condolences." The man said I gave him a confused look, "uh, thanks?" I say as much of a question as we leave. I follow Caine through the halls until we go down to the basement in what looks to be some sort of commonwealth.

    "Ok, I will never complain about the DMV ever again" I laugh, "well you did it. It's official. You are now Entitled." My smile fades as I look up at him, "entitled to what exactly? Like what does that even mean?" I ask glancing down at my tattoo. "It means Your Majesty's life is gonna change, if she wants it to." He responds looking at me sadly, "Can you say "Your Majesty" again please?" I say taking a step forward, looks down and smiles, then looks back at me. "Your Majesty" he says once again. My expression softens and a slight smile appears on my face. "What?" He asks with a smile appearing on his face. "Nothing. It's just when other people say it, it makes me feel... Uncomfortable." I say glancing at him, "but when you say it... It's different." He smiles at me, I return the smile. "I just thought about it, you finished your job. You don't work for Titus anymore. Why are you still around?" I ask him, "why still help me?" I ask, taking a step forward so we are a few inches apart, he stares into my eyes. He looks down and takes a step back, "because of Stinger. He thinks if we help you, then it might help us get back in the Legion." He replies honestly, tears start to prick my eyes, "I see" I say, looking at the ground taking a step back. He sighs and goes to walk past me, "defective genes" I whisper to myself, he stops. Then we heard a familiar voice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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