10 | Disneyland is a freaking wonder

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I'll set the record straight from the beginning. I hate Disneyland. Okay, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but I really can't deal with it. The commercial up blast that everyone seemingly accepts and I know for a fact that my character 'Jace' would be terrified of all the human sized ducks wondering freely around on the campus. He would be terrified to the point of insanity.

Besides I am a sucker for the candy they sell, so evidently it always leaves me on the verge of bankruptcy when I finally leave the 'oh' so magical place. I have left my wallet at home and asked Patty the pig to put out for me, that way he can tell me 'no' when I am on my 10th glazed apple.

Now you might wonder, why the bloody hell did I come? Well, the answer is very simple. It is one singular reason. That name of that reason is 'Skye'. The other had told me she would be dragged along, so it didn't matter whether I tagged along or not, she would be hauled with them, Jamie or no Jamie.

She still hates me - and rightly so - , I can tell by the way she sits as far away from me as her seatbelt allows her to, even though she sits right next to me it feels as if she is miles away - which sound pretty fucking cheesy to say, but it is true none the less. Her long hair is down and full of uncontrollable curls, the sun reflects in to, making it appear as if she is glowing from within. She is wearing light blue denim shorts and a light pink flowery loose top, which shows of her pale shaped shoulders. Even though she has red hair, her lashes a dark, as is her eyebrows, even though there isn't a shred of make up on her face. She is chatting cheerily with Sheehan who is seated next to her - seemingly not a care in the world.

Somehow we can all fit in the van, nevertheless Rhys did rent a big arse van. The sunlight streamed in from somewhere high above us making me thankful for the air-conditioning. I turned around facing the seats behind me, there are three rows. Rhys is driving, next to him sit Evelyn - she chattered about everything and nothing all on the same time - then it is me, Skye and Sheehan in the next row, and all in the back sit Patrick, Jorge and Godfray.

"So have you guys ever visited the magical kingdom?" I ask no one in particular.

"Yes, Jamie... I've had sex..." Patrick says in a jaded voice, "several times, both the homo way and the hetro way, you name it I've most likely done in. twice."

"Okay... too much info Patty. I meant Disneyland, not what you're referring to" I say in a slow horrified voice. I could see Godfray and Jorge sitting with big gobble eyes, stunned by the sudden turn the conversation had taken.

"You could have been clearer," Patrick says and Jorge complies by nodding and saying, "yeah could have been clearer about that, J. the magical Kingdome doesn't only apply to theme parks, you know."

"Tushe..." I agree.

Suddenly Patrick leans in, "Still arguing with the Ms?"

"We're not arguing," I say quietly. Skye seems rather engaged with her conversation, but who knows how long that's going to last.

"Then you're... what? Having the world's longest foreplay?" he asks in a confused voice like he didn't already know what had gone down. Skye had made it perfectly clear, we were done.

"Shit me, Patty," I mumble almost involuntarily.

"No thank you, I'm not into that sort of stuff, but-"I lash out at him trying to hit him over the head. He weaves around my hand and it falls uselessly through the air.

"HEEY!" Patrick bellows, as he clings to Jorge for safety. Jorge has his hands out in front of him as if to say 'stop! What the hell is going on?', but he stays quiet with an astonished look in his face.

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