8 | Damsel in distress

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A/N: this chapter is dedicated to cryslilith for always giving great reviews, this chapter would have been A LOT different if it hadn't been for her. You should probably thank her. All of you. or maybe not I don't know... :-)

this contains typos and general stupid... because I'm lazy and don't like editing at 2. 44 am...


The sun is beating in on my face. I can tell even with closed eyes, because the darkness suddenly became yellow. I groan. I pull myself up on my elbows. I look directly into a white nothing. My eyes are slowly adjusting. I am in a big fluffy bed almost buried under miles of blankets and pillows. I can hear the familiar humming of the aircon. My aircon... What..? My vision finally focuses as I blink away layers of goo. I could feel the salt trail stain my cheeks. Last night replays itself for me in flashes. But it seems so far away, like it never really happened. Jamie. Me hitting him, me slapping him, him taking it. him.. Kissing another girl. I made the right choice. He can't pull stunts like that! He can't! What the hell is going on with him? I suddenly remember Tom, tall and surprisingly kind. I remember walking in the front door to Tom's building and then immediately turning around, mumbling, "No this is wrong," trying to hitch one of the few passing caps, trying to escape the gnawing feeling in my gut.

"What are you doing, Skye?" Tom asked from the doorway.

"I need to sleep in my own bed, I can't do this! You know what will happen if I go with you?" I ramble.

"Please, enlighten me," Tom asked calmly from the doorway. I turned pointing furiously at him.

"We'll start kissing! Nah- shut up! We will, because that's what happens! Then - no! Let me speak! Then the next thing we know we're all mangled together in the sheets all nude," at this a deep blush had appeared on Tom's cheeks, but I kept going tears running down my face, "And that way I will have lost Jamie forever! I can't do that. I need to - why the hell isn't there any cabs!" I literally screamed the last sentence. I had lost all control.

"Skye, calm down, we'll deal with this in the morning." his tone was calm and controlled, now I'm the wild animal he's trying to approach, "Just come in and get some sleep," unlike Jamie, I did not like this treatment. I was not to be appealed to.

"I AM NOT A DAMSEL IN DISSTRESS!" I screamed before lunging down the street. I ran. I didn't know why exactly, it wasn't like Tom was going to follow me. That was only something which happened in fairytales and cheesy chick flicks, in real life guys just mumbled, "Fuck that cunt" and went back into the house.

"Skye come back, don't be silly!" Oh my knight in shining armour is calling me! My bare arse. Those don't exist. I knew that. Brandon had shown me as much! I knew. As if Jamie was any different from the other arseholes, this Tom probably was twice at bad with looks like his. I needed to get away. So I ran. I ran all the fucking way home. Okay honest? I ran 5 miles before giving up and taking a cab... It was 12 pm! And I was about to pass out! Sue me! Then I had gotten up to my flat and all lights just sort of went out. But for what I could remember I had had shoes on, and they were gone. Plus I don't remember actually getting into bed.

"Hey," I'm pulled back to reality. My eyes travel to the doorway on lock on the person standing there.


His hair is standing like a golden halo around his face; it had gotten brighter and brighter since we had gotten here, due to the exposure to the sun. He's shirtless, wearing wet long dark blue swim trousers like he came from the beach.

"I'm sorry about last night. I never in my life meant to hurt you." he lies. I know he is lying. What? So he kissed that other girl to make me feel good, is that it?

"Get out," I snap.

"Skye, please talk to me, -" he pleads.

But I cut him off, "like you talked to me?" at this Jamie goes quiet. "You didn't see me kiss Tom, you know it. Because I never kissed him, and I probably never will. You gave me horns and a tail all by yourself Jamie. Now suffer the bloody consequences and go away." my voice is calm, controlled. I am staring him down, trying not to notice his hard lean stomach and chest. All hard muscle and almost strategically placed fat by now, he looks pretty close to the Greek god every teenage book mentions. Involuntarily I imagine How it would feel to run my fingers over his chest, to feel him shutter under my very touch. To have him pull my closer and closer till we're linked and singing in the same erotic harmony. No! Stop it, Skye! Almost involuntarily I shake my head.

"Skye, please it was a mistake!" he begs.

"See you at work, Jamie." my voice is showing no emotion and I try to bring my lustful glare to a dead fish stare.

"Skye, please!"

"See. You. at. work. James." I put pressure on each word as if talking to a toddler.

"NO! We're going to talk about this!" he bellows.

"Then talk! Tell me about her? Was she special? Was she worth it? I damn well hope so," I drone, Jamie's face scrunches up in disgusted confusion.

"What? NO! She was a nobody! I don't even remember her name! I only did it,-"

"Because you thought I was cheating on you with Tom," I finish his sentence.

"Yeah," he breathes, this times he sounds ashamed of himself. Good.

"Why would I do that, J? How can you possibly..." I trail off. My voice is softer than I intended, but I just don't have the energy to scream anymore.

"I.." Jamie starts but he trails of too, "I..." he starts again.

"You?" I ask.

"I was stupid." he answers, looking at the ground. He fidgets with his hands and stamps slightly in the ground with his left foot, leaning on the other against the doorframe.

"Now tell me something I don't already know," I say and as a result a small involuntary smile appears on Jamie's lips.

"I don't know how to tell you," he says, so I did it for him.

"I know Lily and Mathilda cheated on you!" I groan, it had come up after a late night sheet wrestle," I just don't get why you think I would do so? Since you know I have been on the receiving end once before"

"I don't know what happened, I want running after seeing Lily yesterday, I got so angry! And the next thing I know, I see you tugged under some guy. I know I should just have run over to you! I know! But... I don't know what happened! The next second I am sprinting head over heels to get home. My brain just... stopped functioning and jumped to the worst possible conclusion within milliseconds," he ramble, one word stumbling over the other.

"I can't accept that, Jamie," I say promptly. It's true. I can't go around being afraid his brain go haywire when he see another man give me a hug, and then have him expect me to be fine with it when I see him kiss (or maybe even fuck) another woman, all because his brain went haywire and he honest to god swears he thought I did the same thing. That is not okay. Period.

"I know..." he sighs, "I had just seen her and I got so angry, because of what she did to me,-"

I broke him off, "so you must know how I am feeling?" his jaw goes slag as he realises where he's gone wrong. "Do you see me going to parties to kiss other people?" I go on, Jamie stays silent and I continue, "As I thought. I stand with what I said last night, we're over. See you at work."

"No, I love you, Skye. Please,-" I can't let him finish any more sentences. I've had enough. Like hell he loves me.

"Yeah? Well I'm a cold heartless cunt, who doesn't even love her own fucking mother!" as I say this I spring up from the bed and charge him, crossing the room in long strides, suddenly charged with energy, "much less you!" I growl as I push him roughly out the door, before slamming it shut and locking it. Then for the sake of all clichés, I lean my back against the door and slide down, burying my head in my lap. Again stupid tears trickle silently down my cheeks. The energy washing away as quickly as it appeared.

A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! Tell me what you think guys, I have no idea what I'm doing right now, I'm just trying new stuff out!

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