4 | Tonight on the dancefloor

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"Quit that" Godfray says nudging my shoulder. I am still looking back at this Tom Hiddlestons smiling at him. Friendly.

"What?" I laugh in confusion at Godfray as I turn back to my friend, though I can still feel Tom Hiddlestons eyes burning into my back.

"Stop smiling at that guy" Godfray tells me in a low warning voice.

"What? It's illegal for me to smile at strangers now?" I let out a huff of air. I as much as seem to date Jamie and suddenly both my hands and feet are tied so tightly they make my limbs go blue.

"No, but I think that smile of yours is a little too flirty" he resolves and shoots smile at me. Okay... so he was sort of joking.. I think..

"It's just my smile, shut up!" I nudge him with my shoulder. He doesn't even seem the least bit face by my push, he just walks on as if nothing has happened what so ever. Stupid tall people. Jamie did that too. One time we had had a pushing game while walking home from Martial arts class. He had kept nudging my shoulder sending me clashing into the wall, but every time I nudged back he barely seemed to move. In the end I had literally run him down to get him to react, tackling him with something we learned in Judo class a week or so ago. After that we had.. Been rather frisky in the sheets to say the least. I smile unconsciously at the sweet memory.

"Okay, just remember you do have boyfriend," he so kindly reminds me.

"I do? I seem to be the only one doubting that around here" I tell Godfray, staring at the sandy ground. It was true, Jamie and I have been having a great time together, a great time! but we have never actually defined our relationship at all. Right now the definition that fitted us the most was 'friends with benefits and dash of feels'. I didn't know what we were. The world knew we were 'something', but we had never outright said 'yes that is my boyfriend/girlfriend' about each other. It was alarming to me. It made me worry I was just the rebound girl. And I was NO ONE rebound girl.

"That's because you're crazy" Godfray says pointing his finger at me.

"I'm serious Godfray..." I mutter in a hushed voice. Thankfully Godfray hears me, so I don't have to repeat myself.

"How can you ever doubt the fact that Jamie loves the crap out of you?" He asks as we pace along the beach, the sun is still hard on our faces and I am thankful for my sunhat.

"I don't know Godfray...!" I exhale a deep breath of air, "I don't know.. He keeps telling me and I keep trying to shut him up" I mutter under my breath, I know it's weird, but Jamie kept saying he loves me, but I never believe him. He never calls me his girlfriend ever. He just calls me his lady, girl or woman or his special one, which wasn't exactly... that flattering. In some ways it made me feel like I was just some quick shag, before he cut all the rubbish out and headed back to 'real' datable people. I wasn't even sure Godfray heard because it took him a while to answer.

"Soo.. you guys got issues?" He asks.

"Not exactly..-"I try to explain. We didn't have issues. That's just me. Jamie seems perfectly content, with the way things are.

"Then what? You just get tired of his yapping and... or what?" He interrupts.

"No, he just" scares the crap out of me.

"He just what?" Godfray repeats.

"Nothing" I deflect his question,

"Seriously Skye, I don't get you!" He exclaims running his hands though his jet black hair. I can't even imagine how hot that must be, going around in the sun with black hair. Yausa.

Looking for trouble | Vol. 2 | Jamie Bower fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now