11 | The unicorn onesie.

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A/N: sorry for the long wait. Battling a bit of a writers block. Sorry.

this chapter is dedicated to my friends @CamillaOlufson and @Frackgirl28 who arethe fangirls in this story.



Catfish, monkeys, bouncing potatoes with whipped cream. Castles made of coco pops and bananas. What the bloody hell is this place? Magical place, more like the most sugar sweet horror story ever created. Of course I am talking about Disneyland... the sugar sweet torturous horror story that it is.

I am standing in line for some ride, blaring the Indiana jones theme song over and over again. Kids were screaming their heads off all around me and I should control myself greatly not to whack them over the head, with a bat - preferably.

"Lort! Det her er simpelthen for meget!" It sounded like the person was talking with a potato in their mouth. I look around, I have heard that kind of accent before, I've been in that country enough times to recognize the grumbling swallowing sound of their language. It is Danes, people from the north, Scandinavia.

"Neej! Se nu der, jeg tror ham derover ser mærkeligt på mig," says an equally growly potato chewing voice. I turn around and am faced with two very small women - even for small women, they are small. One of them has short velvet red, which curls around her round slightly chubby cheeks and she facieses one of the smallest nose I have ever, and on said nose rests a pair of glasses.

The other one is just as small as the first, though her face is longer, more oblong. Like the first one she is wearing big thick geeky glasses. Maybe she is a Harry Potter fan who knows?

"Camilla!" one of them says, nudging the other woman with her elbow. The one with the velvet read hair is staring at me in awe. Fans. Automatically a semi genuine smile stretch across my face, being told you are an arsehole by the girl you love isn't exactly the most cheerful thing in the world.

"Hvad?!" this 'Camilla' says indignantly, so I gathered it meant, "what?!" then she follows her friends stare and they both just sort of stare at me, their mouths handing open.

"HI..!" the one with the velvet hair chirps the out of breath sort of exited. "Jamie..." they both seem slightly familiar, somehow.

"Hi there! You seem familiar somehow? Have I met you guys before?"

"I went to see you in Copenhagen, I met Camilla there actually;" the one with the velvery hair say, whos name I don't know.

"Oh! You seem familiar too!" I say, I meet so many faces I am not sure if I've even met either one of them, but if they have been to one of my gigs, I most likely have, "what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Same thing you are I suppose," the woman with the big glasses respond shyly. I laugh, because of my stupidly obvious question, but then again I don't see them swimming in a sea of agony, but what do I know? Then suddenly my memory snap and I turn to the one with the velvet hair again.

"Oh my god! You were the one who gave me the unicorn onesie, weren't you?!" I ask excitedly, I remember receiving a unicorn onesie at Guilfest and I am about 90 percent sure this woman with the tiny nose and sort velvet hair gave it too me. All of a sudden I feel a little dizzy and a grab the line railing next to me for balance, the two women chatter on.

"I did!" she sends me a wide smile, "I gave it to you at Guilfest! Did you like it?"

"Yeah, " I exhale, did I like it? it was an tremendously good gift, I had run around in it for hours after receiving it. Unexpectedly I remember the first real night with Skye. The party we threw after finishing our first album, in the name of the darling buds. I remember how we danced around for hours on end, not a care in the world. How she had looked like a kindergartener in the pink unicorn onesie and how much I had enjoy the silliness of that evening. I didn't know I cared so deeply for her then. I knew nothing about her, I had no idea how crazy and annoyingly stubborn she could be, and how I was going to fall flat on my face for all of her enchanting oddness. "It works wonders." I finish, smiling at the woman let's call her Teresa, like that nun, she seems nice.

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