29 | the safety of night

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A/N: this chapter contains smut, read at your own risk.


As it turned out, Beya had walked herself and had casually slandered back home, only she had forgot to tell us that. Jamie and I ran around in the forest for hours on end. The sun had gone down, the stars had started twinkling above us and our limbs were slightly blue from the cold.

When we finally decided to drag ourselves back home, preparing ourselves to never again see Beya, we stopped dead in our tracks. On the front porch was Beya, sitting expectantly in front of the door as if saying, 'what took you so long? Now let me in!" it was impossible to know whether she had been sitting there for an hour or 2 minutes.

Jamie let out a short breath, obviously relieved. "Beya!" he exclaimed as he ran towards the dog who instantly started wagging its tail. I followed him petting the dog on its head and saying hallo, while internally repeating 'you're a little arsehole, aren't ya? Aren't ya?,' in a squeaking baby voice. She could have gotten off her doggy behind and gone to get us! I think it might be my frozen feet talking.

We got in and Jamie's mother instantly cocooned us in blankets and pillows, we were both rather blue. Being the best woman on earth she also brought us hot chocolate and said she had been worried sick. Soon both Jamie and I had gone from popsicles to barge poles. Jamie's cheeks glowed red and his hair stuck up in tuffs around his face, I had a feeling I looked rather similar.

Then we all gathered around the living room table to a light dinner, since we had had warm lunch. We all devoured our sandwiches hungrily. After that I my body got really, really heavy. I was warm, hat hot chocolate in my tummy and I had been fed. Now I was the sleepiest person on the planet. Everything went blurry, someone giggled and then suddenly, I had gone out like a light.

When I wake again, the world is upside down, I am no longer in the living room, with my head slumped on Jamie's shoulder. I am lying on my stomach, my limbs comfortably outstretched with the smell of pure Jamie all around me. I inhale deeply, when did he smell so fantastic? The world was a deep blue colour; it was probably in the middle of the night.

I shuffle around a bit, turning to my side where I discover a sleeping Jamie, His jaw slightly slag, his eyes twitching, his breath steady and deep. I haul myself up and kiss his cheek, unable to resist the temptation. I lay back down on the crook of his shoulder aligning my body with his. I suddenly find I don't have a stitch on my body. He must have undressed me, and himself it seems. I find he is only wearing a pair of grey boxers.

His body has changed a lot since I first met him, his thing figure and become woven with muscle, which rippled every time he moved. His arms had become bigger, along with chest, hard muscle covered every inch of his six feet tall body. I trailed the lines of his abdominal muscles absentmindedly.

"That tickles." I raise my eyebrows and look up at him, his head is slightly lifted, his eyes locked on my hand.

"You're awake," I mutter, "sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Don't be sorry," he smile devilishly, "I'm glad you did." he lift his head and place a firm kiss on my lips, his hand already wandering. he palm m breast the nipple instantly going hard, he flicks it and I make a throaty sound against his lips, he returns the sound.

Tension ripples through my body at the expectantly of the upcoming pleasure. I shift my body around and climb on top of Jamie, straddling his bare chest, his length already poking my behind.

His long muscled arms wraps around my bare form, pulling me to him, he latches onto my throat, kissing and nibbling the skin. His hands altering between gliding up and down my back, and taking a firm hold of my arse, pulling my body closer to his. An electric fire shoots from everywhere he is touching me, making my breath catch and come out in shaky breaths.

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