Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty: Evan

Life never goes as planned and I've learned to accept that. To lower my expectations to avoid disappointment because there are only so many failed attempts of 'making things right' that I can do before I realize not everyone will adjust to what I want.

But just because you've learned to come to terms with something, does not mean it gets any easier to handle, and although I'm used to Maggie running away every time I fixed a conflict between us, does not mean it gets any less frustrating each time it happens.

I've picked up on her patterns and noticed the signs of an upcoming retreat before it even happens. However, that does not translate to me being able to prevent it, because she always finds a way to avoid my help.

I try not to take it personally, thinking that it's just a defense mechanism, and I try my hardest not to let my patience wear thin.

But despite the countless times that it's happened, and how I want to be patient with her, it still comes as a shock to me whenever I catch her red-handed, trying to leave the scene of the crime after I've finished wiping the blood off her hands.

I went to class this morning worried about how I was going to talk to her about her drunken confession and to figure out what we are because it's undeniable at this point:

We both still have feelings for each other.

Yes, it'd be smarter to let it go because it's not like we can go back to what we used to be. It'd be better if we moved on, and went our separate ways.

But I can't have it in me to let it go, and knowing her situation with her father, letting it go is simply not an option. If anything, Wayne should be the one to let her go.

The only reason why it feels wrong to hold on is that he has his claws dug into her like some kind of blood-sucking vampire, and I refuse to let her go back to him.

That's why you can only imagine my surprise that as soon as I came home, I was greeted with the sight of Maggie midway out the door, her luggage in hand, and a look on her face that showed she was not going to wait for me to come back before she leaves.

I blinked several times as she stared back at me, guilt-ridden "You're leaving?" my question was barely a whisper and I wondered if she even heard it.

She gulped, gripping the handle of her luggage tightly as she nodded "Yes," she said, straight and to the point.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do, whether it was to interrogate her, ask her where she'll go or why she even wants to leave... but deep down I already knew, that's why only a dry chuckle slipped past my lips.

"You weren't even going to wait until I came back?"

She sensed the bitterness in my tone like poison dripping, as her shoulders deflated "I'm sorry, I just felt like after everything that's happened it'd be best if I just leave and not put too much burden on your shoulders any longer."

My eyes snapped up to meet hers "Why would you make a big deal out of what happened days ago? You just got drunk, that's all."

She opened her mouth to retort, but quickly closed it as if she realized what she was about to say "Still, it was embarrassing. I don't want to be a bother to you anymore and I feel like I've overstayed my welcome."

"You know your stay here doesn't have a deadline, you don't have to rush it, especially when you're more taken care of here." I rebutted.

She shook her head "It doesn't matter. It won't be long before my dad gets suspicious and starts looking for me on his own. I don't want to drag you down with me when he does so it'd be best if I just take the fall alone."

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