Faking ~ Louis | Seizure, Part I

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Louis's POV
I have epilepsy and I've had many seizures around the boys.

This evening though was starting to get annoying. Harry was being moody, Niall was being hyperactive, Liam was trying to make them both do things and I was getting sick of all the arguing and shouting that was going on. I didn't want to go on James's show at 11pm as I know that it would involve more silliness, and therefore more arguing. So I hatched a plan.
"Right I'm off boys," I told them as I stood up from the table in the canteen.
"Where are you going?" Niall asked.
"To the ice rink. I want to practise my figure skating," I told them sarcastically.
"Now? We have to be in James's studio in an hour to get our hair and clothes redone."
"Loads of time!" I called as I walked off.

Soon, I got to the ice rink and found the ice machine. I managed to start it up and began driving it round. Liam and I would usually do things like this at 2am, but this was only a way to waste time, and have some fun while I did it.

45 minutes later, I started to work on my plan. I got some soapy water and put it into a bottle before splashing some normal water over my trousers. Yeah, seizures weren't pretty or dignified at the best of times.

Then, I went over to the ice and poured the soapy water over it so that it made a small puddle. I then took a swig and held some soapy water in my mouth before I disposed of the bottle and I heard voices.


Quickly, I ran back over to the ice and lay down onto it. I closed my eyes and lay on my side before I started shaking slightly, but only as much as I did for post-seizures tremors. I also began making small grunting noises as the water left my mouth.
"Louis, we have to leave now mate," Liam called as I heard the door open and I heard Niall laughing. "Lou..." Liam trailed off as their footsteps stopped.
"Louis!" Niall shouted before I heard them running towards me.
"Louis," Liam called and a moment later, I felt their hands on my body before they quickly took them away. "Are these pre-seizure tremors or post-seizure?"
"Post. Look at his trousers Liam," Niall said gently.
"Shit. Ok, ok," Liam said and I stopped shaking.
"He's stopped shaking. Call Paul and tell him to get here now."
"Ok," Liam said before I heard him getting his phone out of his trousers.
"Alright Louis, you're ok. You're doing great, you hear me," Niall said as he moved me so that I was fully on my side and he titled my head up so that I could breathe.
"It's Louis, he's had a seizure and he's in a bad way. Niall and I are with him at the ice rink and he's still unconscious. Ok bye."
"Is he on his way?" Niall asked Liam.
"Yeah he is. Is Louis breathing alright?"
"Yeah, he seems to be. I don't like how much saliva is on the ice though."
"How long was his seizure?"
"I've got no idea."
"Oh shit, he could have had cluster seizures."
"Liam. He'll be ok."
"Yeah, of course he will. Louis," Liam said and they both went quiet for a bit.

"Can we do anything about his trouser... situation?" Liam asked.
"Not right now, we'll wait for Paul," Niall said and just then, the door opened and heavy footsteps came over to me.
"Talk to me boys, how long was his seizure?" Paul asked.
"We don't know, Louis was having post-seizures tremors when we got here."
"Ok," Paul said before I felt his fingers press down on my neck.
"He's freezing," Came Harry's voice as I relaxed. It was nice to experience what the boys were like with me directly after I'd had a seizure as usually I was still unconscious for this bit.
"Yeah, we don't know how long he's been on the ice for," Liam replied.
Not that long, I thought.
"Louis, can you hear me?" Paul asked before he listened to my breathing.
"Lou?" Liam and Niall asked as they gently shook me.
"Can you boys find me a towel or something to clear his saliva up with?"
"Yeah," Niall and Harry both said before they left me.
"I can't believe he had a seizure alone," Liam told Paul.
"I know, but there was nothing that you boys could have done."
"I could have come with him. Louis and I always do things like this together."
"I know."
"Do you think that he hurt himself on the ice?"
"I don't know. I'll have to assess that when he wakes up."
"You're ok Louis, we're here," Liam told me.

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