Niall ~ Electrocuted On Stage

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"I think it goes," The boys sang before Niall played his guitar solo. A bottle of water came flying onto the stage and its contents sprayed everywhere. The water hit the cables for Niall's guitar, causing electricity to surge through the cables and into Niall's body.
"Said her name was Georgia Rose," Harry sang as Niall lost consciousness and collapsed onto the stage.
"Ah," Dan gasped as a spark of electricity shot from his guitar strings to his fingers. He shook his hand and carried on playing.
"And we danced all night to the best song ever!" Harry, Liam and Louis carried on, unaware that Niall was fighting for his life. Paul scanned the boys and he became worried about Niall's lack of presence. This was the last song in the set before the encore and all the boys were meant to be present on stage. As the song finished, Harry addressed the crowd.
"Manchester!" Harry called out and the fans cheered. "You have all been absolutely amazing tonight."
"They have, except for the group of fans who sprayed me with silly string. I had to change my top because of that," Louis joked.
"You're so vain Louis."
"Says you Liam."
"Has everyone had a good time?" Harry asked and the fans screamed. "Great."
"Hold on a minute boys, we've lost Niall."
"What do you mean we've lost Niall?"
"He's not here."
"He was playing guitar wasn't he?"
"Niall?" Harry called out towards the music group. "Niall, we're waiting for ya."
"Any idea where Niall is lads?" Louis says as Liam takes his earpieces out. "Is that static?" Louis asks as both he and Harry fiddled with their own earpieces.
"I don't know."
"What have you done to the sound system guys?" Harry asked.
"I think it's all Niall's fault." Liam called out to everyone.
"He's probably gone for a pee or something. What is that noise?" Louis asked as he began making his way towards the band.
"Whilst we try to figure out what's going on and we wait for Niall, shall we read some more signs Harry?"
"I think that's a great idea," Harry replied and he and Liam began reading signs as Louis reached the band.
"There's a crackling sound in our ears, do you know what that is?" Louis asked them.
"No. We heard it as well so we've been turning off the electrics," Jon replied.
"It's very strange. Have you seen Niall?"
"He was playing guitar the last I saw of him," Sandy told Louis.
"Same," Dan replied.
"He hasn't gone backstage?"
"No, he hasn't walked past me," Josh added.
"Ok," Louis said before he made his way to where Niall usually plays guitar. "Niall?" Louis asked before he saw Niall lying where he had fallen, his eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. "Shit. Niall?" Louis asked urgently as he knelt down beside Niall and took his earpieces out. "Can you hear me Niall?" Louis asked as he leaned over Niall. He noticed that Niall was gasping and he lowered his head to Niall's mouth. Niall's breathing was irregular and raspy, and Louis became seriously worried as the band came over.
"Oh my God."
"Niall? What happened?" Josh asked as he knelt down on Niall's other side.
"I don't know but it sounds like he can't breathe," Louis said as he saw sparks in the corner of his eye and he turned to see Dan disconnecting Niall's guitar from the power cable.
"Ah!" Dan cried out.
"Dan, are you ok?" Sandy asked as he came over.
"Yeah," Dan replied as he was shaking his hand. "I got a shock from my guitar strings during the song and I've got it from this as well. I think Niall's been electrocuted," Dan said and all their hearts skipped a beat. This was serious.
"Can I touch him?" Louis asked.
"Yeah, I've disconnected it," Dan replied and Louis immediately put his fingers to Niall's neck to feel for his pulse. Josh undid Niall's guitar strap and took the guitar off his body.
"Harry, stop. We need an ambulance urgently. Niall's been electrocuted," Jon said into his microphone. Harry stopped moving on stage as the news came through his ears and Paul could been seen talking on his radio. Louis shook his head.
"Niall's got a pulse but it's not regular."
"What can we do?" Dan asked as he knelt by Niall's head.
"I don't know," Jon replied.
"It's ok Niall, you're going to be ok," Louis reassured Niall, unsure if Niall could hear him.
"An ambulance is on the way. Is Niall breathing?" Paul asked through their earpieces as Harry and Liam came running up the stage.
"Yeah, he's got a pulse and he's breathing but it's irregular," Jon replied.
"Ok, sit tight," Paul said.
"Niall," Liam gasped as both he and Harry reached them. Liam stood in shock as Harry knelt down.
"We should put him into the recovery position."
"Yeah," Louis agreed with Harry and they turned Niall onto his side.
"Is he still breathing Louis?" Liam asked nervously.
"Yeah. Just."
"Fuck," Liam said. Everyone was quiet as the fans were slowly moved out of the arena and Louis monitored Niall's pulse. Harry and Josh had their hands on Niall's leg and shoulder while Liam watched on nervously. The paramedics arrived and took Niall to hospital with blue flashing lights.

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