Lil Niall

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Liam and Louis have a little 6 year old boy called Niall. He gets cancer. Harry Styles is his doctor and Ashton Irwin is a medical student on placement with Harry.

Unfortunately it is unfinished 😔

Bed Time
"Ok Niall, bed time," Liam told his 6 year old son as he tucked him into bed.
"Story... daddy I'm scared."
"What are you scared of, baby?"
"I... it..." Niall said as tears appeared in his eyes.
"You just want another bedtime story, I know," Liam said before he kissed Niall. "Goodnight darling. Go to sleep."
"No. Daddy!" Niall called in fear as Liam turned off the light and closed the door.

"How's our little boy doing?" Louis asked as Liam came back into their bedroom.
"He's fine. He just wanted another story before bed."
"Oh that boy, come here love," Louis said as he patted the bed with his hand. Liam climbed in beside his husband and snuggled up to him.
"I hate leaving him Lou, but he needs to learn to sleep on his own."
"Yeah, he needs to learn, and you're doing the right thing," Louis said before he kissed Liam on the cheek. "I give him half an hour before he knocks on our door."
"Twenty minutes," Liam betted in return.
"Raspberries in the muesli?"
"Agreed," Liam said and they waited for Niall to knock on the door.

Forty minutes passed and there had been nothing. No knock, no movement across the landing, no little Niall crying outside.
"Liam love. I think that we should check on him," Louis said, but when Liam didn't reply he looked down at him. Liam was fast asleep. "Oh babe," Louis said before he kissed Liam. "Stay here," He whispered before he lowered Liam onto the bed and he climbed out of it himself.

Slowly he opened their bedroom door and walked across the corridor. He opened Niall's door and turned the dim light on. He went over to Niall and looked at his little boy as he ran his hand through his hair. He looked fast asleep, so Louis gently kissed him on the cheek, turned off the light and left.

Niall however, was awake and terrified. He'd just had a seizure, not that he knew what it was. He lay silent in the dark, petrified and not moving.


When morning came, Niall woke up on the ground. His shoulder hurt and he cried. Neither of his dad's came to help, so he went and knocked on their door.
"Dada?" He asked between sobs. "Daddy? dada..."
"Morning Niall, sorry love," Louis said as he opened the door while rubbing his eyes. "It's 6am so it's breakfast time."
"My arm..."
"I know, Arman cereal, come on littlen," Louis said, being half asleep, and he led Niall downstairs. Niall didn't know enough words to tell his dad that he had a dislocated shoulder, so he just cried instead. "Niall honey, is this about last night?" Louis asked as he knelt down and brushed his son's tears away.
"Yeah..." Niall said as he nodded.
"Is this about daddy Liam not reading you a story?"
"No..." Niall began but Louis interrupted.
"No, I know. Just one story per night babe," Louis said before he kissed Niall. "Eat your breakfast honey, by the time we get you dressed, it'll be time for school."
"But dada..."
"Ah, no dada-ing me. I won't fall for it babe," Louis said and Niall took instead to eating his breakfast. He was still crying and Louis watched him as he ate his food.

"Come on baby, let's get your top on," Liam said as he tried to dress Niall.
"No... Hurts..." Niall tried to persuade his dad.
"It's just a uniform baby, it has to go on."
"No. Dada... argh!" Niall screamed as Liam forced the school top on, somehow he had not noticed that Niall's shoulder was sitting out of its socket. "Dadda... owww..." Niall complained, but Liam ignored him.
"Ok Ni, jumper on now," Liam said and he put the jumper onto his son. Niall went quiet, and Louis got the car ready. "Right, all good," Liam said as he finished smartening Niall up for school.
"Ok Liam, I'm ready when our little drama queen is."
"We're just coming now," Liam said as he turned Niall's collar down and Niall collapsed into his arms. "Niall?! Niall?" Liam asked before he shook his little boy. Then a smile broke across Liam's face. "It's not going to work Niall, you're going to school," Liam said before he picked Niall up and went downstairs.
"Niall?! Liam, what happened?" Louis asked in shock as they appeared.
"Niall's pretending to be sick, let's get him to school."
"Ok," Louis said before he rolled his eyes. "Let's get into the car. He had an attitude over breakfast about last night's story."
"Did he?"
"He did. And faking sick isn't going to help," Louis told Niall as Liam got him strapped into the car. To them, he was only pretending to be unconscious.

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