still good

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Background: Natasha is your supervising officer. You had just gone on a mission with the team and something happened that you didn't mean to do but you still did it. Shaken by the experience you lock yourself in your room

This is kinda like the situation with Wanda where she hurt those people in Civil war but with you and Nat and WAYYYYYYY more FLUFF

Your sixteen in this one shot

Your POV: 

I listened to the TV curled up in a ball. Tears streamed down my face as I picked up my badge and threw it across my room. I'm supposed to protect people and I couldn't even do that. I'm a terrible person. I laid in my bed and curled up crying while I listened to the TV hurl insults at me. 

Natasha's POV:

"has anyone seen Y/N?" I spoke while Fury was still talking to Maria about some last things before briefing started, they all shook their heads and I pulled out my phone and texted her 

"Y/N where are you? Fury is gonna start soon. You need to get down here"

I waited and there was still no answer. She was so gonna get wind sprints for this. I sat and waited for Steve to give his teams mission report. For this mission we were separated into teams. This was Y/N's third mission without me being there to protect her so I was eager to hear how she did. Tony had just finished giving our teams report and Fury looked at Steve "what happened out there?" I furrowed my eyebrows, Fury did not sound pleased. Steve spoke "Sir she really did her best but she was already compromised. There was noting Y/N could do" I looked at Steve "Steve...what happened?"

Before he could answer me Fury put a video on the screen of Y/N holding a gun in her hand and a girl dead in front of her, tears were spilling from the recruits face as I saw Steve run past her and check the girls pulse. I looked at Steve "you have ten seconds to explain to me why my recruit killed a girl and why you didn't tell me!" Steve looked at me "Nat the girl was compromised, she was going to kill Y/N" I stood "why didn't you tell me this?!" Steve sat back and looked down. I looked at Fury "may I please go check on my recruit?" Fury nodded and I walked out of the room.

Y/N was like a daughter to me. I had been training her for a year and a half now. Occasionally she called me mom when she was alone with me but never in front of the team. She was highly skilled and brutal on the field and was able to manipulate and fake an identity like it was her own to begin with. She is extremely soft and lovable on the inside though. She loves spending time with us and is amazing with children. Knowing that she just killed a girl it had to be tearing her apart inside. 

 Y/N was a kind girl, I had gone over the procedures for a compromised civilian with her but it's different when it actually happens. I walked down to her room and knocked on her door "Y/N? let me in" the only thing I could hear is muffled sobs coming from her room. I grabbed the key from the top of the door frame and unlocked it. I entered to see Y/N curled up in a ball crying with her back turned to me. I glanced at the TV to see the video I'd seen earlier playing. The press was eating her alive with crude comments, they didn't understand the situation. 

I sat at the edge of her bed "Y/N talk to me" she didn't move and I kicked my shoes off so I could scoot up further on the bed where Y/N was. I sat beside her and began to rub her back. She cried as her body shook, small hiccups came from her mouth as she tried to catch her breaths. I reached over and brushed the hair that was in her face. She turned to lay on her back where she was looking up at me, I wiped a tear from her cheek and she mumbled "you heard?" I shook my head "yeah honey I did" tears flooded her eyes and she sat up "I begged her to put the gun down Natasha, I really tried" I put my arm around her and rubbed her shoulder "I know you did Y/N. You made the right call. There was nothing you could do" she cried "I'm such a bad person" I looked at her "Y/N don't do that to yourself. She was compromised and you know it" she cried "but if I could've found another way then ma-" I cut her off "Y/N you didn't have any time, she was going to kill you. Your still a good person honey"

She cried a little then mumbled "then why does it hurt so much?" I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and fixed her hair while speaking "because it's your first civilian death, putting down Hydra agents and putting down a compromised civilian is two different experiences. You know that she was compromised right Y/N?" she sniffled and shook her head then looked at me "am I a terrible agent?" I looked at her "no. Not at all. Fury gave you to me because he saw so much potential in you. Do you know how long it's been since I've gotten assigned to be someone's supervising officer?" she shook her head and I tilted her chin up "since Wanda and Wanda was sixteen when she came in and now she's twenty" Y/N giggled and I smiled "there's that smile I adore"

Y/N wiped her eyes and I opened my arms "come here hun" she curled up into me and I stroked her hair "darling I need you to know that I am so proud of you for keeping your composure on the field and your quick thinking. I know it was hard but you did so well" she nodded "thank you Natasha" I smiled and held her and she looked up at me "I'm sorry I skipped mission report and that I didn't come talk to you" I nodded "I forgive you Y/N. Always know that as long as you have good intentions in your heart that you are still good" she smiled "so I'm not in trouble?" I laughed "oh no your still getting wind sprints" she shot up "what?! whyyyyy?" I nudged her "because you looked winded on the field" she pushed me in a playful way "oh shut up mom"

I don't even know what made me write this. I still hope you enjoyed tho. Sorry if it was shit 

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

Natasha Romanoff X fem reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now