spies goodbye

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Background: You made a call. You made a call to lose your job and your family to save hundreds of others. Natasha is like a sister to you in this one shot because I don't see many like that

Based off of Bobbie leaving in A.O.S.

Natasha's POV: 

"so what happens now?" Fury shook his head "they have her in their custody and they won't let her go unless she sticks to her story. They cannot know shield still exists" I scoffed "Fury you have found a way out of everything" he looked at us "we are a terrorist organization, you know about the Sokovia Accords, don't make me remind you of them Romanoff" I shook my head and grit my teeth "she just got cleared for solo missions" Fury stood "we have to pretend we don't know her. She knows she made the right call" I stood and walked out of the room so I could cool off. 

Your POV:

I knew what was happening. I knew I was no longer going to be a part of shield effective immediately. There was no way out of this. I've been a part of shield for years but just recently I decided I wanted to go into solo field missions. I killed one of their agents who was a traitor and saved the leader but I shouldn't have been on their property. 

The interrogator walked in and I sat there, he came up to me "who do you work for?" I sat there "I work for myself, the only thing I wanna do is keep dangerous people off the streets, that's it" he walked around me "so no one you work for?" I shook my head and he nodded then spoke to one of his men. He was speaking Russian. And of course I understood it. Natasha rants in russian all the time so I have to understand it if I wanna be a good little sister. I mean were not related but I still consider her my sister. The guards said they would follow me for the next couple months. He turned and looked at me then uncuffed me "your free to go miss" I nodded and left. 

The minute my feet reached the edge of the woods I realized how alone I had suddenly become. SHIELD was my home. My parents have passed and now the only person I truly had was the team. I walked throughout the woods till I made it to the main road then found my way to a motel. Natasha always taught me to carry cash in my bra for emergences and I never thought I'd use it but now it's the only thing saving me at the moment. 

Natasha's POV: 

"Tony what's her location now?" he sat there "looks like she's at a motel, she's safe" I nodded "give me the address" Tony looked at me "Nat you know what Fury said" I glared at him "my sister is gonna take her to a bar so we can do a spies goodbye now give me the damn address" Tony looked at me and Steve whipped his head "wait, back up, you have a sister?!" I looked at him "yes but now isn't the time" Steve looked at me dumbfounded but I was too focused on Y/N to care. Yelena got her address and I headed to the bar she would be at with the rest of the team. 

We got to the bar and all sat scattered across the room. Wanda sat with me and we all waited for her to come in. My heart was racing. This was my little sister. I took her under my wing and the countless nights we'd laugh till three am or the times we'd make it our mission to annoy the boys. She was always so much fun to be around and was such a bad ass in the field. 

Yelena messaged me that she was coming in and I saw her walking in with Y/N. She sat down and Yelena sat with her. She had been crying. It was obvious to me when she cried. A couple minutes later Clint sent her shot to Y/N.

Your POV:

The waiter rested a shot on my table and I looked up at her "I'm sorry but I didn't order this" she shook her head "someone sent it to you" she pointed to a table and I looked up to see Clint and my heart dropped. He lifted his shot glass and we downed ours together. Another one came and I saw Tony doing the same. I looked at Yelena "w-what is this?" she smiled and whispered "a spies goodbye" I nodded and the shots came. Wanda sent hers and when I looked up I saw Nat watching me with tears in her eyes. I downed Wanda's crying silently and I got Natasha's last. I lifted my glass and Nat shook her head keeping hers on the table. I realized what she meant. She was refusing to say goodbye. She was telling me she'd find a way to see me again. 

I hope you enjoyed!!!

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

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