Hold on

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Background: You and Nat are dating you have a saying. To hold on to each other.

Your POV: 

I giggled and ran up to Natasha "baby!!" I jumped in her arms and she laughed "hi babe" I smiled "hold onto me don't drop me" she smiled and kissed my head "I'd never drop you baby" 

-Time skip to months later-

Natasha's POV: 

"no but seriously Steve that's like the hundredth time I've picked up your shield" Steve looked at me "you know you love picking up after us" I rolled my eyes and playfully smiled at him while reloading my gun for a future mission and storing it in my weapons shelf. Tony came in and landed "hey guys, can we still talk about Steve and his obsession with being profanity police?" Steve groaned "will you guys quit calling me that?" I laughed "nope. Besides Y/N loves teasing you with it. Isn't that right baby?" I turned for an answer from her and she wasn't there "Y/N? guys where's Y/N?" the team shook their heads and I looked at Clint "Clint you said she was right behind you" Clint grabbed hid bow "she was she just wanted to take care of a couple more guys" I went on my coms "Y/N baby? come in Y/N" 

Her communication lie was dead. I grabbed my gun back from the weaponry shelf "Bruce work on getting her location. we need to find her. Clint take me along the path you took. Steve and Wanda you go left. Stark scan for her heat signatures. Thor take the rest and spread out" they all nodded and I ran with Clint. 

My eyes frantically searched the surroundings. Y/N caught my eye twenty yards out. I ran and knelt beside her "oh god. Oh baby, stay with me ok? you hold on! just hold on. Clint! get over here!" blood was soaking her suit, I pressed gently to see where the blood was coming from. It was pouring from her right side just above her hip. My eyes scanned her body only to see a second wound on her left shoulder. I put pressure on the wound that was bleeding more as I heard Clint calling for Tony to find our location. Y/N's eyes were glazed over, her pulse was a horrifying slow beat. I held her unresponsive form in my arms "baby please. Hold on" 

Tony had picked her up and flew her back to the jet then came back to get Clint and I. I ran up to Y/N the minute my feet hit the floor. Bruce was packing the wound with gauze in a desperate attempt to slow the bleeding "get the bird in the air!" Steve shouted after completing our head count. I was standing with Bruce and putting pressure on her shoulder wound as he placed the pressure on her hip given that it was the worse one and he was a doctor. I heard Steve over the communications system "this is SHIELD 6-1-6 we have an agent down. I repeat Y/N Y/L/N is down. Rerouting coordinates to Zurich" My eyes flooded with tears as Clint came up behind be "go and get cleaned up and rest a little I'll take over" I looked at him and he gestured towards the chair "go Nat. She's going to need you when she wakes up" I nodded and we quickly made the swap. 

I walked to the small bathroom on the jet and started trying to wash her blood off my hands. I pursed my lips to refrain from letting my sobs be heard. I frantically scrubbed my hands with the soap not wanting to see my girlfriends blood on my hands anymore. I thought about how just hours before Y/N's head was on my lap and I read a book as she fiddled with one of my knives, giggling at my stupid and sarcastic remarks when one of the boys said something stupid. I gripped the sink till my knuckles were white then took a deep breath. Even if I was pissed Y/N needed me and I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me right now. I wiped my tears and dried my hands then stepped out of the small bathroom. 

I walked back up to the table. Y/N's face was a ghost white as she was loosing too much blood. I kissed the top of her head and whispered "hold on for me baby girl. Just hold on"

I walked over to the chair that was closet to her and Wanda sat beside me and guided my head to her shoulder "Sleep Natasha. You'll need it" I closed my eyes. There was no way I was going to sleep. Not with Y/N like this. But I knew I needed to rest because once we got to SHIELD's  Trauma center in Zurich there was no telling when I would get some shut eye again.

After fifteen minutes Wanda could tell I wasn't asleep and she looked at me "Romanoff, I'm gonna knock you out" I rolled my eyes and sat up "how is she?" Wanda gestured towards me "we've minimalized the bleeding and were like ten minutes away from Zurich" I nodded and stood then hovered over Y/N, I went to place my hand on her cheek and Clint looked at me "Nat. Don't" I looked at him "that's my girlfriend Clint. I'm going to touch her" I looked in his eyes then at Bruce "what are you not telling me?" Bruce looked back down and put more pressure on her wound and I spoke louder "Bruce?!" Bruce looked at me "her bpm is at twenty Nat and she's still losing blood" I looked at Bruce "what are you saying?" He looked up at me "Y/N could go into congestive heart failure" I shook my head "no. Y/N is a fighter. I know her" Bruce said nothing more and kept pressure on the wound. The quinnjet landed and everything went by so fast. They took her back and were working on getting the bullets out. 

-Time skip-

"we managed to repair the damaged tissue. The bullet just missed her intestines. We have her fixed with a blood bag. I'm afraid she's lost too much blood and her blood type is O negative" I looked at them "well why don't you have anymore blood? you need to get more blood" they nodded "were doing all we can Agent Romanoff w-" I cut them off "do better" they nodded and left. I bent over Y/N's body and kissed her head. I placed my hand on the side of her cheek "hold on baby. Please. I can't loose you" I placed my hand in hers and watched the machines breathing for her. I called Tony "hey ask Bruce what my blood type is" I heard him ask Bruce then he came back to me "O negative why?" my heart dropped "nothing. Thanks" I called the nurse in and told her to take mine. She shook her head and called in another nurse then looked at me "tell me if you start to get dizzy" I nodded and laid there as I watched my blood fill the bags then looked at Y/N "I love you baby. You just hold on a little longer ok?"

-Time skip three days-

The transfer was done. Y/N had color in her cheeks and she was now without the life support. I hadn't left since she got here. Only taking two minutes to use the bathroom and eating when Wanda or Clint brought me something. I kissed her forehead and laid my head on the side of her bed. My hand still rested in hers. I rubbed the top of her hand with my thumb. I felt a small squeeze and shot up "Y/N?" she hummed in response and I kissed her "hey, hi my love, I'm right here" she looked at me and mumbled "please hold onto my hand, don't let go" tears filled my eyes and I kissed her hand "I will never let go"

-Time skip to years later-

Your POV:

"P-Please Natasha! Hold on" she looked at me and whispered "I love you Y/N" I cried "n-no you can't please. Hold on baby" she looked down then back up at me "let me go...it's okay" I cried "n-no" she pushed herself off the wall and fell "NOOO! NATASHA!" 

I fell to my knees and Bruce looked at me "Y/N where's Nat?" I cried "she didn't hold on" 

I am so sorry I am crying. You asked for sad scenes. Here you go

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

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