chapter 3:

163 0 6

Don't own anything

Naruto pov:

The chakra didn't came from that thing. It came from that person. The marine told me they called them fighter pilots.

Short black hair & unusual red eyes. He looked around same age as granny tsunade.

Osean crew: so resupply it with ADMMS

Destroyer: yes. Apex put that out

Apex predator threw down his cigarette & crush it. Trigger & kakashi came up to them.

Trigger: Lex james. This is kakashi hatake. Yeah i was shock that ninjas existed

Destroyer: charmed

Apex: nice to meet ya

Trigger: your high aren't you?

Kakashi: do i smell weed?

Trigger: good news bad news. Good news is no flying right now


Destroyer: & the badnews is this " dan ..... "

Kakashi: danzo

Trigger: that guy. He is doing some strange to a kid name sazuki

Naruto: ITS ...

Sakura grabs me shuts my mouth..

Destroyer pov:

Destroyer: good luck on your mission then.... Nice too meet you kakashi

Kakashi: so what do i call you?

Destroyer: call me by my tac name destroyer callsign strider 2

Kakashi looking at the " undying " behind me. Then he vanished.



Ninjas looking at him IN WTF look. After lunch i started going sightseeing. Then i see a creator so big this was caused by this guy named pain.

" we are not in kansas city anymore. "

Phoenix: there you are buddy... There something you gotta see this


We went inside the woman had a pet pig. & a beautiful woman with blonde hair in a coma.

naruto shippuden: skies unknown rewrite CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now