note: madara & black zetsu

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I originally wanted madara as the final boss at the end of this book without kaguya.

However i have huge mix feelings.

Again this a fanfiction. Please respect my choice if not read somewhere else.

No one isn't making you read it.

After all madara has done.... He wasn't evil since he was born he did help hashirama made leaf village.

People don't understand is. There is a unseen force guiding madara obito before indra.

Black zetsu.

He deceived the indra first of all & then the tablet was kinda off too. That infinite what ever that's name is it totally persuaded uchiha clan.

When i first saw the kaguya battle part explaining why this all happen. Madara didn't know about it.

I feel bad for him. Okay he did all that crap very very true i can agree. But its hard to say i can't see him as the final boss.

So it is my choice that the final boss will be black zetsu. Seal him kill don't matter this guy started this Shit from the beginning.

I originally intended madara to be the final boss.. My back if my saying wait lets think this through.

So for the first time ever i'll change him i can't tell you how.

I hope you understand

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