chapter 7:

74 0 6

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Osean Yuctobanian erusean emmeria & ustio leaders meet with konoha leaders about the 4th great ninja war. Strider 1 Trigger strider 2 (whiplash 1) destroyer came. Garuda 1 Talisman, scarface 1 pheonix, razgriz 1 blaze & the legendary aces of all aces mobius 1 & legendary galm 1 cipher.

Mobius 1: ma'am here they are

They died down. Tsunade gasped silently remember that kiss. " that was my first .... No i can't focus on that right Now... But he's different from any men i met so why am i so attractive to him. " she thought.

Older ninja shook hands with strider 1 trigger strider 2 destroyer.

Tsunade: so i heard

Destroyer: i don't need to tell you. Figured they teached you how to use a stationed phone line video skype & smart phone

Tsunade looked at him in confusion she reached a phone from her assets.

Tsunade: how did you know?

Destroyer: idk i Just know. Oh wait your first text message your number

Tsunade: Hold on are you doing that web search stuff on your ... Dammit i can't say it

Destroyer: i don't need to use when i have mines * holds his own phone *

Cipher shit eating grin. Tsunade blushed red steam coming out. Lex glanced to Sakura.

Sakura: don't look at me😁😁😁

Destroyer thought: your useless

Shizuna: naruto disappeared

Destroyer: woah time out. Talking frogs got him

Shikamaru: how did you know?

Destroyer matatabi said so. She says he's back at the raman shop

Tsunade sighed.

Tsunade: your a interesting fella are you?


Naruto told them about a new mission. Tsunade ask aces of strangeral to meet the hidden mist clan. As they arrived they were all awestruck that 2 tails in inside the ace pilot.

Destroyer told them what happened. Afterwards they stood up & bowed. In return he saluted. Mizukage looking at cipher with interest.

Mizukage thought: assume his older brother..... Handsome

Cipher thought: she looking at me😅😅😅

Also hidden cloud are here as well. They too where thankful that two tails is inside of him. Actually every allied shinobi countries so is the strangeral counties are here.

Garra: lt general Shephard. About this new super submarine called Megalodon

Shephard: David

David: " hello David north here. I'm a OIA advance weapons analyst program "

Tsunade: i read about the alicorn. How is this different?

David: " this one 3 times bigger. It was made secretly just in case the alicorn ever went down.... We don't have much of the info yet. We can rely on your guys to help "


Raikage: so Now we two tails 8 tails & 9 tails existed Now, But trigger said he's keeping him away from akatsuki & madara because of a mission to hunt down the submersible sub.

Tsunade: we can't lend lex kun's strength Now he & two tails are one they can destroy erusean radicals

Raikage: you started to grow feelings for that man

She blushed.

Raikage: i saw how you act differently then the rest of us. Its not too late to tell him.


All aircraft takes off to patrol land air & sea. Strider about to leave to go back to the titan until tsunade stop him.

Tsunade: let me come with you

To be continued:


naruto shippuden: skies unknown rewrite CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now