chapter 9:

71 0 11

Don't own anything

Briefing room author pov:

Lrssg Strider & cyclops. IUN PKF, razgriz team, 118th mobius 1, garuda team, galm team, & scarface 1 phoenix & other osean erusean pilots also yuck pilots are here too.

Ninjas of konoha are here as well. Lex & tsunade talking in a lively conversation. Hinata looking at youtube videos about osean car accidents.

Kakashi talking to shamrock. Lt general came in.

Lt general shephard: pilots shinobi sorry for the wait

Sakura: worse than kakashi sensei

Kakashi: really😒😒😒

Lt general: david?

David: " i'm here. "

Lt general: new people of konoha my name is lt general shephard of osean federation force joint chiefs of staff. We came to your world in search & destroy mission of a new massive super submarine,

Blaze: this is the first time i'm hearing this

David: " we just got new Intel from the princess of erusea. My apologies "

Tsunade: i'm not the only princess

Lex: long story

He showed the scinfaxi & her sister. The alicorn & current (oc) next generation super sub the Megalodon.

Every pilot in the room where all spooked. Ninjas either confused or shocked at that size.

Destroyer: sooo its big

Apex: how come we didn't see this at our world

Trigger/blaze: (sighed) not again

Tsunade: okay everyone time out...... How big is it?

David: " its 8.0 kilometers large built secretly by belka technology & erusean estovakia consecutive technology under our noses this whole time "

Shikamura: 8.0 kilometers😱😱😱 * looking at the map of shinobi * oh ..... Well crap

David: " its got new weaponry & old weaponry its range is tripled. APS system, 20.000 ranged nuclear shells & terminal guidance. "

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