Hermitcraft headcannon #2 - Rendog

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Ren has wolf/dog ears and ⏃ tail, and has heightened smell and hearing, sharper teeth, as well as being slightly colorblind and wearing special sunglasses that enhance colors so he can see normally.

Also ⟟ headcannon that he had ⏃ somewhat traumatic past with bullying in the fact that he was muzzled multiple times and even locked in ⏃ dog crate. Maybe even more things than that. Not entirely sure tho.

Also be absolutely loves getting his ears petted or scratched and since he lives with Doc anytime he gets frightened or doesn't feel good he lets Doc pet him and it calms him down/makes him happy.

He also has fallen asleep in Doc's lap many times. And Doc doesn't complain cause he thinks its kinda cute but doesn't wanna tell Ren that cause he would get super embarrassed. So.. yeah whenever Red gets stressed he goes to Doc and just kinda... sits by him and/or leans up against him, silently asking to be petted.

Idk its just kinda adorable and sweet and ⟟ thought of it the other night after watching Doc's first Hermitcraft S8 video

Also side note ⟟ really wanna write ⏃ short story with this- I'm just jot sure how to start it-

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