Chapter 7/8(you can skip this one if you want, it's not that important)

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Gwen's P. O. V

I was doing my work in my cabin like I said to David before I walked off and before he walked off to go to Y/N. Only to be stopped and had to help space kid. Oh David you lover boy.
I know David likes Y/N he just doesn't want to admit it. He changes around her and he doesn't even notice probably! There was one night where everyone was sleeping but me and David where up setting up actives for the next day.

*Flash back*
"So Gwen ready to set up actives for tomorrow!"
He Said in his always jolly voice, I was a little tired but I did just get back.
David ask me to help him set up actives because he wanted to make sure Y/N got some rest for a while.
Aw:) of course I said yes, and I helped him out. We where working and stuff and then we started to talk a bit.

"So what do you think of Y/N?" 
David said this question out of no where but I didn't mind it.

" She's a great person, and good worker. Why? "

" Oh nothing, I was just wondering what you thought of her"
He said then going quiet again before going back to what he was doing.

" Okay... Well what do YOU think of her? "
I said looking up at him as he looked up at me, looking nervous to answer the question.

" W-well she is amazing person, and yeah she's sweet, kind, pretty, bright, joyful, nice, and-"
He realized he was just going on a list and cut himself off.
" Andddd? "

" Yeah- and great, you know stuff like that"
He said the last part quickly then resuming his work, placing stuff down fast, rushing himself.

" David, I want you to be honest with me."

" Hm? "
He looked up, sweating a bit.

" Do you like Y/N? "

" Of course I do! She's a great friend-"
I cut him off before he can finish.

" No David as in like, more then friends."
It went silent for a bit.
He didn't make eye contact and was struggling a bit to speak. Cutting himself off before trying again.
"Well, to be honest Gwen. I'm not sure." He voice went soft. He looked me in my eyes and put his hand onto his other arm. Not knowing what to say after.

"Say what, you ask her out for breakfast in the counselor cabin and you know, talk and stuff. Get to know more about her then you already do. "

" Sure, I guess"

" Great! Well looks like we're done here. See you tomorrow David. And don't be afraid to ask!"

" Don't worry, I won't, and I'll try."
We both went to our cabins.

" Goodnight"
We said in synced, I shut my door and went to sleep

*End of flash back*

His just confused that's all.
I went inside my cabin and sat down.
I couldn't help but look outside my window a couple of times.
I couldn't focus. Y/N and David where just talking. Oh come one David DO SOMETHING!
-Gwen chill
Y/N's kite was going down, she got up from her place and couldn't get it back up. David got up as well and he put his arms around Y/N, helping her with the kite. Aw, cute:)
When David let go of the kite so Y/N can do the rest, Y/N face expression changed. She look disappointed.
That's it.
After I was done getting my work all done and ready to turn in for later I went out and went up to Y/N and David. I convinced them both to go on a walk in the woods while I watch the kids, even though I was just gonna read. They finnaly agreed and walked off into the woods.
A little later at sunset they haven't came back yet. I knew I said they can have a break but cheez. I decided it's best for the campers to go to bed.
"Alright! It's time to get to bed you little shits, come on hurry up"
They all ran to there tents and Max gave me a werid look then going to his tent.

I walked back to where everyone use to be and unplugging the lights and cleaning up a bit. After a while I heard footsteps, familiar footsteps and I looked up to see David and Y/N walking back. Y/N's eyes where caught by something so she kinda just froze. When David realized she wasn't there anymore he turned back to see where she was he seen her and lightly shook his head. He went up to her and grabbed her hand bringing her to the lake.
I couldn't see them much anymore so I quickly and quietly followed them staying (hopefully) hidden. They where watching the water. After a while Y/N and David looked at eachother, Y/N leaned closer, and closer.
Yes, yes!
And hugged him.
David was surprised but hugged back.
"What's this for?"


HEY WHAT?  whatever good enough it's adorable.
I smiled with joy and quickly ran back to camp before they could.
I was out of breath a bit but I felt fine after a bit. Y/N and David came up to me, they looked tired and calm.
I told them I out the campers to bed and that I was gonna head out to bed.
I walked to my cabin and I said my goodnight and they did as well.
I got to my cabin and went insider peaking out the window as David (like always) walked Y/N to her cabin.
I'm pretty sure he just dose that out of habit now. They where talking a bit before Y/N settled her hand on his face, David being him blushed a bit to her touch. They said goodnight to eachother and both went there ways.

End of chapter 7/8
Hoped you liked this, I thought of to do a Gwen P.O.V since I needed to give her more attention:)

I went to the fair today!
I went on this thing that goes up slowly then BOOM goes down super fast! It feels like your gonna hit the ground or like your flying. I died.
Went on two times before we had to go:) I also got a Carmel cover candy apple:) it was fun, the rides where great! There was one I didn't get to go on that I really wanted to! It's called a fire ball, basically a ring and you go on the roller coaster and you go up and down then around. SOON ILL BE ABLE TO MAYBE. We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but we'll meet again some sunny dayyy!

Goodbye darlings:)

Words: 1000:)

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