chapter 9

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Davids P. O. V

After a while waiting at the camp the wood scouts arrived. Of course they always tried to make some type of deal and Max and Pike man started arguing. I didn't really know what to do besides just make sure they don't start fist fighting and Y/N seen what was happening and walked over to me.
"What's going on?"

"There arguing and I don't know what to do"
I gave a worried face and she looked back to Max and Pike man then walking up to them a making them split up.
"Okay you two, calm down."
After they both settled down giving death glares. she started asking questions.
"So why are you two arguing?"

"Because this snake eyed fuck won't leave us and the camp alone!"
Max bursted out of anger. Swinging his hand up in the air then putting then back down. His face was red.
"What? What do you mean?"

"Well, tall counselor... Me and the wood scouts think it be better for the camp diem to join us. David would learn how to be tough, Gwen can be-"
When Pike man looked up he got a look of Y/N's face and he must of liked it because he smirked and his voice changed. " Well, look it here we got a wonderful gal here huh? "

Y/N face was confused as she looked down at Pike man in confusion. She then realized what he ment in what way he ment it and was slightly uncomfortable. He got closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. She was obviously uncomfortable and didn't know what to do backing up a bit. Max looked at me then looked at Y/N and Pike man and he gave a mad glare.
I felt kinda mad. I felt a little jealously and anger for him to make her uncomfortable like that. I walked up to pike man and Y/N and cut him off from her going Infront of Pike man
" Okay that's enough. There will be no deals today Pike Man."
I got to his height and and he just nodded. He walked away.
" David you happy joyful werido I never seen you look like that before?"

I looked over to Max.
" What do you mean?"

Reader's P.O.V
Feeling very uncomfortable from the kid puting his arm around my waste I didn't know what to do.
Okay well kill me.
I looked over to David and he was giving the snake eye kid a type of annoyed glare. Max noticed too.
He then walked up to the kid and went to his level. Cutting him off from me. His voice sounded a bit different. It sounded annoyed and off like.
When he told the kid to go he looked angry at him and the kid looked pretty surprised to and just nodded and walked away. That's the first time I actually seen David angry at a kid. Woah.
That's when Max started bursting out talking and David was confused by his words.
"What do you mean?"
He said standing back up giving a confused look. Looking down on the black hair kid with a blue sweater(Max duh) "you where angry!"

"Oh no I was just helping out Y/N, she was uncomfortable with Pike Man"
So Pike Man is the kids name?

" Yeah by that you mean from jealousy! "

" N-no! "

" Yeah! "
As they went back and forth trying to prove there points I was thinking on how David face looked. It was charming? I DON'T KNOW! It was surprising that's for sure. At least he helped me thats what matters. Heh
I looked around to see the other campers had arrived. "Oh David! Everyone Is here"

"Really?" He said turning around cutting off whatever he was saying. "Oh great! Let's go Y/N!"
grabbing my hand with his soft hand and bringing me to the Mess Hall. Max was following us as the wood scouts (mostly Pike Man) gave me odd stares, the flower scouts just talked about what ever I guess?
We where all inside the Mess Hall and every one was doing there own thing. Gwen was writing and QM was in charge of the music. David was just standing around talking to other people there and there and I was just watching the kids making sure no one is fighting or eating off the floor. *Cough* space kid *Cough*
David went up to me and we talked
"Everything going alright?"
I asked him
"Yup, everyone seems to be doing just fine."
He said looking around a bit then looking back at me "how are you doing? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just making sure space kid isn't eating stuff off the ground"
We both laughed a bit and then sighed
QM put in different music and it was a calm type music.
Everyone stopped realizing it's a slow dance thing and all looked around.
QM spoke in microphone "everyone find a partner or something"
Nikki just grabbed Neil and Max hands bringing them onto the dance floor. Nurf just grabbed anyone who was near by. Harrison liked over to Nerris slowly walked over to them.

"Aw David look"

"Hm?" He looked where I was looking.

"Harrison is gonna ask Nerris to dance with him:)"

"He looks nervous"

"Yeah he dose.. we should help him out:)"

"What do you mean?"
He gave a head tilt and confused look

"I-i mean like go out onto the dance floor so it looks like there more people"

"And go would that work?"

"Just trust me Davey, come on"
I grabbed his hand and he blushed a bit. I bring him to the dance floor so me and him can slow dance. I put one of my hands on his shoulder and then another in his hand. He put his extra hand on my waist, we synced with the calming music.
He was blushing a bit and I was too.

End of chapter 9

Yeah I know this is short.
I been busy lately sorry!
I'm just trying to get my life together heh. And it's almost my birthday (July 8th) so I probably won't post a chapter for a while. In going to the fair for my birthday that's why! Anyway good bye darlings hope you liked this chapter!

-sorry if I made you uncomfortable at the pike man part! I just wanted to write protective angry David:))

Words: 1065

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