Chapter 10

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Readers P.O.V
Me and David where on the dance floor slow dancing to the calm relaxing music. David was being a little shy and I was hoping my plan would work.
Though at the same time, being this close to david felt nice...his forest green eyes where beautiful, his hair looked soft and his small smile was adorable.
His freckles fit him and made him look charming. His slightly pink nose was cute and the way he was, was just wow.
His so nice and gentle. He makes sure I'm comfortable and have space. He makes sure im okay, he makes me laugh and smile. He makes me feel wonderful and happy. He made me wonderful breakfast and made sure he didn't ask to many questions, made sure I got sleep and always ask how im doing. He showed me a beautiful place that made him think of me.
David isn't just a. Close friend, his someone that makes me feel special.
Someone I could say I really love. I love him.
David's P.O.V
When Y/N pulled me with her to dance I couldn't think. It happened so fast. All of sudden she saying her plan then next thing im slow dancing with her.
AH. What do i do? Do i talk? Do i look somewhere else? Do i laugh? What do i do??? While i was panicking inside my mind Y/N made eye contact so I just gave a small smile to her and she gave a wonderful comfortable smile back.
I felt a little more relaxed. I felt calm now and feel like I could breathe. I just looked into her wonderful E/C eye's and. Memorized her bright smile. Her hair looked soft/smooth, her S/C skin looked smooth/beautiful. Her hands where warm. She made feel jumpy but calming at the same time. She made me feel do many mixed emotions at once.
She makes my heart excited and panic.
She makes me feel like a good person.
As we synced while dancing i just asked
"So did your little plan work Y/N?"
I said in a calm voice.
She looked like she just snapped back in to reality.
"Sorry where you thinking of something?"

"Oh no David its okay...i just got lost for a second. Also what did you say? I didn't really catch what you said"

"Did your little plan work?"
I repeated again and she looked behind me a bit and smiled.

"Well yes it did David:)"
She gave a cheery smile and i couldn't help but chuckle. Nice to see her happy:)

"That's great. So what now?"
I gave a little head tilt.

"Well i don't know...wanna go for some fresh air?"

"Sure, sounds nice"
We walked out of the Mess Hall and met the moon and the slow blowing wind. It looked peaceful and me and her walked on the woods dirt path.
Hearing the crunch under our feet.
"Do you wanna go to that place?"
I asked and she nodded in agreement.
I smiled and took her hand in mine and lead her to the place that reminded me of her. Like last time she ran around pulling me with her. We laughed as we could hear the grass crunch and blow from our feet and the wind. When we where Y/N tripped and almost fell, in a quick reaction I caught her with one of my hands behind her back steading myself and preventing me to fall on her.
"Woah! Are you okay Y/N?"
I was worried she might be hurt a bit.

"Oh wow! Uh thanks David! And yes im okay thanks for asking."
She chuckled and I helped her stand up straight again and we laughed breaking the silence. We then laid down in the grass and sighed. I was really having a fun time with Y/N. I hope she is too.


"Am I your friend?"
This question confused me a bit but of course i gave an answer with half of my heart. I sat up and looked at her smiling.
"Of course! Your like my partner in crime! Or like uhm...Oh! My jelly to my peanut butter jelly sandwich!"
She sat up with me and gave a smile.
"Thanks David that means a lot."
She put her hand on mine and i couldn't help but blush and put my arm on my neck and look around.

David x Female Reader (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now