Jay Jay

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Pacing around the room, Bruce gripped his hands behind his back tightly. Sweat dripped down his forehead. The door opened, causing him to panic and shoot round. Alfred stood at the door, suit as immaculate as ever. "They have arrived Master Wayne... I have escorted them to the living room. All is well I trust?" he asked, approaching his employer. Bruce rubbed his temples and sighed. "I can't do the freaking tie..." Alfred tutted and placed Bruce in front of the mirror as he did the bow tie up for him. "You normally can... What's troubling you?" Letting out a hot breath, Bruce stared at his reflection. "Everything...."

"Everything?" Pennyworth repeated. Bruce nodded. "The dinner! The missions! The police!... The Dents..." Alfred coughed in order to correct him, "Dent..." The butler added. Once done with his tie, Alfred took the hanky from his pocket and whipped Bruce's forehead. "Your sweating like a pig sir... Everything will be fine! Richard spoke to me not to long ago. Asked if anything had been alright... He received a phone call from Bullock..." Turning stiff, Alfred looked up at Bruce. He didn't look happy... at all... "Has The Bat Man, been on a mission without telling me?" Bruce huffed and popped the collar of his blazer. "I was just passing on some information..." Alfred nodded and walked away from Bruce, as he checked himself in the mirror. The old man picked up a small framed photo Bruce had of him and Rachel on his desk, he smiled. "I'm well aware of that Bruce... But..." Turning to his oldest friend, Alfred looked far more serious then normal. He frowned. "But Richard knows... He knows about your little... theory! What was the one thing I asked you to do?!" Anger boiled up with in the old man. Bruce stared at the floor boards in regret. "To not pull Richard down into my problems... I'm sorry..." Alfred sighed. Walking over he laid a forgiving hand on Bruce's shoulder. "He's a good boy Master Wayne... You've done well... Your mother, God bless her soul, would be proud..." Bruce smiled sheepishly. "Thank you Alfred..." he sighed, "Well, lets do this thing! Hopefully she won't smash my face in as soon as I enter!" he joked.


"I refuse to talk to him!" Duela crossed her arms sternly. Beast snickered sitting on leather sofa with her beside him. Raven and BB were in one of the bed rooms sorting the kids out. Only Star, Robin, Cy, Duela and Beast were in the living room. Robin clenched his fist and held back curses. "Duela! He invited you here to make peace! So stop being such a baby!" Not making eye contact with Robin, she mumbled something under her breath, something she really shouldn't have said... "Would you want to make peace with Boss Zucco..." she breathed out silently... but he heard. Robin stared blankly at her. Everyone in the room was dead silent. "N-never say that name again..." he stormed out without another word. All eyes were on Duela. "Who's Boss Zucco?" Cyborg asked, just as confused as the other titans. Duela sat up straight. "Boss, or Tony Zucco killed Boy Blunders parents..." As she said that Bat Girl walked in, she glared at Duela. "What did you say to Dick?!" Duela grunted and threw herself backwards on the sofa. "All I said was would you like to make peace with Boss! Jeeze!" 

"That's pretty cold lil' clown..." Cyborg agreed. Star stood up and left to check on Robin. "I shall find Boyfriend Robin..." she sighed while living. Betty eyed Duela, she simply returned the favour. There was a long silence in the room as the girls stared each other down. Beast and Cyborg exchanged looks. "Well!" Cyborg cut in to break the ice. "This is getting awkward... Hey Beast! You wanna check on... Grass stain with me?" Beast grinned and jumped up from the sofa before the cat fight broke out. Then it hit him, he had to stay with Duela, protect her. "Nah... I'll stay here..." he sat back down reluctantly. Cyborg glared at him, but shrugged it off. "Suit your self... Bye!" he ran out as fast as possible.

Betty sat down on the sofa opposite Duela, where Cyborg was sitting before hand. She had her hair up in a messy bun, glasses on, but was wearing a stunning yellow dress. "Why do you have to be so mean to everyone who likes Bruce!" She spat. Words fall of venom. Duela gritted her teeth. "Hey! I'm nice to people! I'm nice to Gordon, Raven, Beast boy-"

"Yes! But me, Dick, Alfred, Bullock, Jason-"






Beast watched them fight as if he was watching a tennis match. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth! He was loosing it. His faced strained, as a growl crawled up his throat. "OKAY JUST SHUT UP!" He finally yelled. They stopped. Sighing with relief, Beast calmed down. "We get it you hate each other! But who the fuck is JASON?!"


Sorting out Ruby's creased dress from the baby sit, Raven looked behind to see her husband feeding Tofu. She smiled at him before moving on to tidy DJ up. However BB only frowned. "Whats wrong Gar?" she asked concerned. He sighed and shook it off. "Nah, its just they're all fighting again! It's ridiculous!" Raven smirked and laid DJ down with her sister. She walked over to Garfield and pecked his cheek, making him purr. "I know... but they'll get over it..." BB smiled and put his son down on the floor with his brothers. "You know... we got some time to kill?" he waggled his eye brows. Raven crossed her arms. "Hm... And we also have five babies crawling around!" BB snickered and edged closer to her. "Common Mama... You look stunning... I cleaned up... Why waste it?" Stroking her cheek with his thumb, BB pecked her lips, only deepen the Innocent little kiss. Raven melted and latched on to his neck, pulling him closer. The babies babbled watching them, but they paid no notice. Instead Garfield grabbed her waist with his free hand and kissed her harder. Raven smiled between kisses and tugged on his hair. 

The door flew open...

"Hey guys whats going o-?!" Cyborg jumped seeing them in the middle of the room making out. This only made the babies burst out in hysterics. Raven pulled off Beast boy and hugged him, sighing happily. "Thank's for the cock block dude!" BB joked snickering. Earning and smack from Raven. Cyborg grumbled. "Jeeze... I'm not use to walking in on straight make out sessions... I only just out use to the whole Speedy and AL thing!" BB burst out laughing.


Me: Cyborg... even a cock block in my book!

Wilfred: Speedy and Aqua Lad? REALLY BABE?!

Me: Oh shut up! Spaqua is adorable! But then... all gay ships are!

Wilfred: Even one's you hate?

Me: No... then they burn in hell! Sorry BBCy fans... not today...

Wilfred: Fan girls....

Me: Tache boys... Any way! In case I really confused you... Jason is another on of Bat Man's team! He's from the universe where Robin's night wing though! But I totally ship him with Bat Girl so sorry bitches! He's the only one who doesn't wear like... bat/bird themes stuff. Sure he has the batman Logo, but other then that hes pretty normal! He's like the bad-ass mean one! Like the Beast of the Bat Mans! He's also the only one who uses guns as well!

Wilfred: He sounds way cooler than fat man!

Me: He so is! No rules baby! He's awesome! Check him out guys! Oh and look sharp... there's a shape shifter in the house hold....

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