Still Here

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Duela's POV

Everything was dark. One second I'm looking at that photo, the next, I've blacked out completely. Baties has something to do with this! I just know it! Something brushed against my cheek, holding my breath in the darkness, I didn't move. The ground grew soft, cushioned, relaxing. I almost felt safe. Drifting, it felt like I was floating on water, weakening all was senses, I felt... tired. Then I heard it, whimpering. I knew what it was straight away. I crossed my arms, "Go on! Cry! See if I care!" I spat harshly into nothingness. Suddenly everything lit up, a bright lilac light filled the room. As my eyes adjusted to the change, I saw a figure walking towards me. Instantly, I began to back until my back hit a soft, protected wall. They became clearer, bending down to me, I met their gaze. I recognized them, but I don't think I know them... but I feel like I've known them all my life. The man lifted his warm hand to my cheek, he smiled warmly. "Hey..." he whispered. Neatly slicked back blonde hair, perfect white teeth, smart office suit and tie and coffee brown eyes stared deep into mine. His eye's looked glossy, like, he was going to cry. "I-I missed you..." he chocked out. That voice! My throat went dry, like sand paper. We both teared up. Tackling him, I wrapped my arms around his neck in a firm hug, he hugged me back. "Harvey..." I mumbled. I sensed sadness... that's... odd. He let go of me and looked me in the eyes, "Harvey?" he asked. He frowned, "Oh Duela... I'm so sorry..." he hugged me again. 

Crying into each other's clothes, he gripped me tighter. Harvey stroked my hair and kissed my damp cheek. "I love you... Always remember that..." he spoke quietly into my ear. I nodded and gripped him tighter. "I love you too... daddy..." I could feel him smiling. Then the whimpering came back, we let go of each other and looked around. "What is that? A dog?" I crossed my arms and grunted. "My pain in the ass boyfriend..." He looked at me with wide eyes. I stared back at him. "Your dating a dog?!" I burst out laughing at his sudden question. "No!" I snickered. "He's part wolf or something!" My dad nodded. My dad the reason I'm alive today. My dad! Then it hit me, my dad... is dead! I span around and stared at him, backing away. "Y-you... your... AM I DEAD?!?" He ran to my side and put his hand on my shoulder, shaking his head. I was hyperventilating. "Then... but... why... HOW!?" Harvey smiled at me. He took a coin out of his pocket and handed it to me. I stared in awe at it in my hand, I teared up. "Your lucky coin... that decided whether they die or lived... But... how is this possible?" He kissed my cheek and stood up, "Look after the coin, I can't use it anymore..." He went to leave when I jumped up. "You didn't answer my question!" He gave me a sideways glance followed by a smile. "Yes... I did..." and he left without another word, locking the door behind him.

Looking around the room, I only now noticed where I was. The safety room in Akaram. Where all the walls are made of a white cushion materiel so we can't hurt ourselves. "NO YOU DIDN'T!" I yelled, only to receive silence. I groaned and walked over to the door, banging on it. "Hello?! Let me out!" Pulling on handle, it would budge. I grunted, "Hello?!" The speaker in the corner along with a camera moved to face me. I eyed them and walked over, they followed me. "LET ME OUT!" I screamed at it. The speaker clicked, someone was going to speak, finally. "Please settle down 2247! I have enough problem's today! And where's your jacket?" My face went blank. I trembled. "Beast?!" The camera clicked again, followed by a sigh. "Miss Dent, you know you can't call me by my first name, It's Mr Logan please. We're not met to talk to each other!" Water filled my eyes. "B-but... Beasty I-"

"Beasty?!" He burst out laughing. "Wow! I knew you were crazy but where did that come from!" I broke down in tears and fell to my knees. He stopped laughing instantly, hearing his chair drag across the floor, he must have gotten up. "Hey... I'm sorry... Please don't cry..." his voice was calmer, like the one that I know and love. I snivelled and whipped my eyes. "Whats going on... why am I in here?" I questioned looking up at the camera. He tutted. "You've been here for 2 months now 2247, I thought we'd clarified this?" I stood up and approached the door, resting my head on the cold metal. "Why aren't you with me...?" I heard him chock, probably coffee or something. "Why would I be in there with you? I'm perfectly sane!" I dragged my nails down the door, trying to calm down. "B-because... We adore each other..."

"What are you talking about?" Tear's streamed down my face, I wanted to be with him, hug him... just see him even... "Your my mate... I'm your mate... we love each other... even when I say I hate you... Beasty please remember..." There was a long period of silence, until the door slid open.  I stepped back from shock and saw him, he looked taller, slightly older even. He had stable on his face and he was wearing one of the Akaram guard suits. "Beast..." I latched on to him and hugged him tightly. Something dug into my back, making me wince. "Whatever kind of attack this is... I suggest you let go of me before I rip your spine out!" he spat harshly. Burring my head into his neck, the pain in my back only grew. "I'm h-hugging you... Beasty ple-"

"Stop calling me that!" he snapped and gripped my arm's, pulling me away. He was holding a piece of white fabric. A straight jacket. "I don't how you got this thing off!" Gripping me and threw it around my body, tightening it so it was hard to breath. I winced and struggled. "Beast please! You have to remember! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" He growled at me and pushed me on to the floor. I teared up. "Listen Dent! I don't know whats going on in that sick little brain of yours, but if you touch me again, I will personally strap you to the electric chair!" He threatened. Backing away from him, I hid in the corner. Staring deep into each other's eye's, I felt my heart break. He growled at me while we eyed one another. "I. hate. you!" he spat. My eye's widened, my heart snapped. I didn't breath, I didn't blink. He narrowed his eyes, "Your nothing but another criminal! I'm in this hell because of you! Just because you've killed every other guard you've ever had! I can't go home or you'll kill someone! And you think I stay because I love you?! I want you dead! I want to die! But I can't!" he was breathing heavily. Beast clenched his fist's, growling. A river of tears flooded my eyes. "I want to kill you!" he snapped. I was blinded by my own tears. He stormed out and slammed the door behind him. I sat speechless. "...then kill me..." I mumbled. Crashing and banging came from the other side of the door.

Slowly I lifted my self up and approached the door. I stared into my own reflection in the shiny metal. My eye's were dark, skin pale... the scars... I had all my make up on. I screamed as loud as possible. Clicking the speaker, he was was going to talk to me again. "SHUT UP!" He yelled back. I shook my head violently. "YOU WANT ME DEAD! SO FINE!" With out thinking, I closed my eyes tightly and smashed my head as hard as possible into the metal, over and over. "STOP WHAT ARE YO-" My head hurt. Falling backwards I landed on the floor. Everything was fuzzy. Blood dripped down the door. I smiled. "I adore you Beast Logan... I mumbled. The door burst open, but my eyes slammed shut. 

~Dream over~ (AN: LOL if I scared the sh*t out of you!)


No one's POV

"She's coming too!" Garfield called. Duela's eyes fluttered open. BB, Raven and Robin were looking over her body on the medical bed. "Welcome back..." Robin smiled. Duela gasped for air and jumped up, looking around. "Where's Beast!?" She felt a hand on her back, turning around, Beast's smiling face was there. A bright smile morphed onto her face, she tackled him, kissing his cheek's over and over. "I love you so much! I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOU!" Beast snickered and sat up, hugging her. "I'm so sorry I hurt you... I wasn't thinking..." Duela teared up and pecked his cheek. "I don't care... Just never leave me again... Never ever..." Tearing up, Beast squeezed her tighter. "I promise... I'll be with you forever..." BB, Raven and Robin all awed in-sync. 


Me: Yay! I had time to add another chappy today! Lol if I had you worried!

Wilfred: I was freaking out!? So it was all a dream!?

Me: Yep!

Wilfred: You bitch! I thought she was dead!

Me: That's the point!

Wilfred: You are one naughty little gal airn't yooooo!

Me: Erk! Get a life!

Wilfred: Oh I got one babe, you wanna be in it?

Me: No!

Wilfred: Well to bad! Yoooooo already are!

Me: Woopie...

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