Alrighty then...

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After their little out break of tears, the four sat down on the sofa and got Beast up to date with everything. "So let me get this straight, Tin Man is living with East for a bit?" he clarified. Raven nodded, "He's been there for a week so far, he'll be back on Tuesday." Beast titled his head in confusion. "And what day is it now?" Duela giggled, making him blush slightly. "It's Wednesday dumbie, your so cute when you all stupid!" Beast grunted and cross his arms. She laughed so more, "I'm not stupid, I've been asleep for a year!" Beast Boy whimpered at the sound of that. Beast rubbed his back and gave him a comforting smile. "So while I was ill, Chrome Dome ups and ditches you guys?" BB snickered slightly. "Not quite buddy, he went to see Bee!" They both smirked, Raven nudged her husband, reading his mind. "I can tell your happy to see Beast, you two are so dirty minded together!" the boys exchanged looks, they were thinking the same thing. They burst out in laughter. BB caught his breath and whipped a tear from his eye, "Man, I'm glad your back!" 

While Raven started to make breakfast, the others talked. Duela was waiting for the others to come in, "Where's Star and Rob?" she asked. Beast looked at her funny, "Since when do you call him Rob?" she shrugged and stared at the door. "He was helping me a lot, its just a nickname." Beast narrowed his eyes and hummed a sarcastic response. Garfield nudged him, smirking. "Jealous of Night wing now are we?" Beast looked around at him, really confused. "Night wing?" BB held back his laughter and turned to Rae. "Babe he doesn't know about the whole Night wing thing!" he snickered. Raven tutted and continued making her tea. Beast looked at them, "Who's Night wing?" he asked again. Raven stirred her tea and walked over, she sat down next to her husband, he wrapped his arm around her. "Robin is Night wing. He's been trying out some new hero names recently, its been pretty funny!" she admitted chuckling. Duela laughed and turned around, "Remember when he tried Night-Robin! That was so stupid!" they all laughed, even Beast.

Someone coughed behind them, they turned around to see, 'Night wing' standing by the door way. Robin had matured slightly, his hair was slicked back, instead of gelled up but he still had his normal suit. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "Ha ha ha, very fun-" he stopped, his face dropped. "Beast?!" Beast smiled and waved at him. "Your awake?!" he asked the obvious. Beast rolled his eyes, "No boy blunder, I'm sleep walking!" he shouted sarcastically. Robin smiled and run out of the room, screaming for his girl friend. BB gave Beast a dirty look, "You didn't have to be so mean. Rob missed you too yah know?" Beast raised an eye brow. He turned to his brother, giving him weird looks. Before he could comment and green flash of light zoomed in and glomped Beast, pinning him to the floor. "FRIEND BEAST!" She screamed. Beast winced under her strength, BB pulled her off. "Star careful, he's in a lot of pain at the moment." Star gasped and helped Beast up. She brushed him off, "I am the sorry friend. I am just the over of joy that you have awoken! Boyfriend Richard has informed me that, that rest was not the 'normal'." Beast nodded and hugged her properly. "I missed you too Star." he laughed. 

A cry reaped through the tower, Raven sighed. "Duty calls!" she kissed BB on the lips quickly and left to tend to the kids. Beast sat back down and snuggled up to Duela. She hugged his arm tightly and sighed happily. "How are the kids Logan?" he asked. Beast boy smiled and sat down next to him. "There good actually, since Trigon broke Pup's curse, he's been a lot calmer and not as violent. Oh and Pure's powers came in a few months ago!" Beast's eyes widened, he sat up slightly. "What powers does he have?" BB thought for a second. He cleared his throat slightly, "Em, all of Rae's powers, but he can also manipulate animals!" Beast was impressed. Night wing, aka Robin, walked in. He wasn't as fast as Star and trailed behind slightly. "Nice to have you back Beast." Duela squeezed him tighter, "Yeah, really nice..." Beast smirked and kissed her forehead. 

After some more talking Beast tried to get up, but Beast boy pushed him down. He gave him a dirty look, "What gives Logan?!" BB rubbed his brothers back. "Your injured buddy, you need to rest-"

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