Suit Up

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The four of them charged back to the common room. Robin was watching the criminals on the screen, clenching his fists in anger. Running over to his wife, she was trying to stop DJ from crying. "What about the kids?" he asked. Robin span around, pulling his staff out. "I called Alfred, he's taking the Bat a copter here." BB nodded. Approaching Duela and Beast, he nodded. "Suit up! We need you both!" Duela's face lit up, she nodded. Beast was confused. "Suit up? We don't have suits-"

"Speak for yourself!" Duela cut him off and ran off. Standing there dumbfounded, he stared at Robin. "She's not fighting!" he snapped. Robin crossed his arms, "We need all the help we ca-"

"I'm sorry, didn't you hear me?! I'M NOT LETTING HER FIGHT!" Ignoring Beast, Robin turned around and pulled out his communicator, he passed it to Star. "Call Cyborg, see if East jump city is any worse!" Nodding, she began to call him. Beast growled, but before he could say anything, Duela came back, wearing her suit. His face dropped, he wanted to drool. Purple leather top with a long green collar, shiny purple leggings with green and purple diamond pattern belt and long purple gloves. Along with purple leather boot. She was wearing her red lip stick and black eye shadow and on her heart, a big sunflower like the joker had. She put her hands on her hips and sighed happily. "Man I missed this stuff!" she giggled. Beast stared in awe at her, purring. Then it clicked. "Duela... I don't want you to fight..." she froze, enraged. "Why!?" she asked, boiling. Duela stomped her foot down hard, waiting for him to answer. "I don't want you to be in any danger-"

"Beasty, I've been doing this kinda thing since I was eight! I helped Robin when you were in a coma..." she covered her mouth straight away, she wasn't meant to tell him. Robin went pale at the sound of Beast growling. "You what?!" he spat. Everyone stepped away from him. Beast just smiled at Robin, "Fine... We'll help you..." Beast snatched Robin by the collar, bringing him to his face. "But I swear! If she get's hurt-"

"You wont kill me!" Robin yelped bravely. Beast smirked, "No, but you'll wish you were dead!" 


After Alfred arrived, they all traveled down town. Beast refused to wear a suit, she he just went in his normal clothes. Free running on the roof tops, Duela did flips, cartwheels and leaps over the buildings. Raven, Star and BB, in the form of an eagle, flew, while Robin took his bike. Beast had wolfed up, running on the opposite side of the road to Duela. She looked over at him and smiled, he grinned back. Coming to a huge gap in the buildings, Duela reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small piece of metal. Pressing the small silver button on the top, it extended into a pure silver staff. Slamming it on the ground, she pushed her body weight through it, sending herself into the air. Duela did a front flip, landing safely on the next roof, still running. Gawking at her, she sent her boyfriend a smug smile. He narrowed his eyes and spirited faster then her, making her speed up. Of course, Duela couldn't beat him, she was only human, but he went easy on her. 

They came to the prison. The wall had been blown up, criminals everywhere. Robin slammed down hard on the breaks. The wheels screeched as the rubber burnt on the road. Raven hovered down, next to him. "Whats the plan?" she asked. BB landed next to them. Before Robin could speak, Duela walked over, holding the staff over her shoulder. "Plan?! Since when do people have plans?!" Robin gave her a sarcastic look. "The joker might not have had plans, but we do!" Duela shrugged as Beast dropped down from the roof behind her, he changed back. Star floated down and looked at the villains running around. "Perhaps, we should take one on at a time... I shall take The Dr Light!" she offered. Robin nodded. "Good idea! Raven, go for Brother Blood, Beast boy you take care of Madam Rouge, Beast take Adonis and Duela, you think you can handle Control Freak?" She grinned and pounded her fist into her palm. "Bitch is going down!" Beast smiled.

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