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Tony glances at his watch, his foot tapping against the floor as he impatiently waits for the doctor to step back into the room. Loki's sitting on the bed swinging her feet as she waits. She lets out a breath as Tony steps out of the room, checking to see where the doctor ran off to. He walks back in with a huff and a roll of his eyes. He sends Loki a pointed look before jabbing his finger in the direction of the clock. She glances up and reads the time before shrugging.

"Anthony, darling, I have no control over the doctor," she tells him. He huffs and crosses his arms as he collapses into his seat, his foot still tapping against the floor. "If it's all the same to you, when she does eventually arrive, we should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat today." Tony's expression softens for a moment before hardening again.

"Well if she doesn't hurry her ass up, you're gonna be late to your own coronation." Loki rolls her eyes before crossing her arms as well. Tony stares at her. "You really wanna piss Odin off by being late?" She holds his gaze for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. Tony smiles slightly. "Exactly." Tony sighs and stands again, making his way over to Loki. He cups her face in his hands. "Lokes, it's your big day." She glances away, her expression soft. "I just don't want it to be ruined because doctors take their sweet ass time to do anything." She snorts.

"We could've gone to the healers on Asgard. Would've made this all simpler."

Tony rolls his eyes. "If we couldn't go to Bruce, we can't go to your fancy doctor people."

Loki rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "For the last time, Anthony, Bruce is not that kind of doctor." Tony sticks his tongue out. Loki continues shaking her head.

"You telling me that with the amount of PHDs he has, he doesn't have one medical degree?" Loki rolls her eyes and pulls away from his touch. "I mean, really! That's what he was doing when Natasha recruited him to stop--" Loki raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms, looking back at Tony. He swallows. "Uh. . . You know what I mean." Loki hums, unimpressed. Tony kisses her forehead. "Love you."

"You fucking better." Tony smiles at her before kissing her again. She lets out a soft sigh. "We could always reschedule," she mumbles. Tony glances at his watch again before nodding. "But I was really hoping. . ."

She gingerly touches her stomach, a frown appearing on her face. She glances down at the bump--it's small but visible now. Tony's expression falls entirely. He was so wrapped up in what was happening later that he nearly forgot what they were doing now. Ultrasound appointment. Hear the baby's heartbeat. How could he have even considered rescheduling the appointment?

He grips her arms and shakes his head. "No." She looks back up and raises an eyebrow. "No, we're not rescheduling." She smiles. "We're here to hear the baby and we're not leaving until we know that kid has a steady heartbeat." Loki starts laughing. The door swings open a second later. Tony spins around to face it, throwing his hands up in the air. "Ah, Doc! Finally!"

"Sorry, Mister Stark. There was a kerfuffle at the front desk that I needed to help sort out," she apologizes. Tony waves her off as he pulls the chair up closer to the bed so he can hold Loki's hand. Loki lays down on the bed and pulls her shirt up, already prepared for the doctor to put the gel on her stomach. The doctor turns around with the small container and smiles. "Ah, you remembered." Loki nods. She spreads the gel onto her stomach before pulling out the wand and gliding it over. "Would we like to hear the heartbeat today, Misses Stark?"

"Yes, please, if it's not too much trouble."

The doctor shakes her head before flipping a few switches and moving the camera so Loki and Tony can see what's on the screen. A loud whooshing fills the room--similar to that of a heartbeat. Their hearts melt at the sound. Tony instantly starts bawling his eyes out, a huge, goofy, smile on his face. Loki smiles at the screen, a few tears in the corners of her eyes. Tony squeezes Loki's hand who squeezes back. The doctor smiles.

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