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Believe it or not, Loki's never actually loved being the center of attention; she never knows how to act with all eyes on her (maybe because growing up, she never had all eyes on her so she never learned the skill). She just acts like she wants to be the center of attention all the time. She's quite content with only ever getting Tony's for the rest of her life if that's just how it works out. Or their baby's. Or playing second best to both their baby and Tony. She's played second best to Thor all those years and look where that got her. . .

Okay, maybe that isn't the best example but you got the point.

So when Frigga, Wanda, and Natasha had come to her one day after her intense nesting fiasco asking if they could throw her a baby shower, she had immediately turned them down and practically shooed them out of the cabin. A baby shower is the last thing Loki needs. All those people there just for her, their hands all over her baby bump (which is getting larger by the day and is a whole new issue she didn't want to get into with anyone other than Tony (and even then she still didn't want to get into it with him either; she knows she's being crazy but that doesn't change the fact that she feels like a whale most of the time)). None of it. She wants none of it. Which is exactly what she told them as she shoved them out the door.

Somehow they managed to get back into the cabin, talk to Tony, and persuade him into thinking a baby shower is the best idea since sliced bread.

That is exactly why she's currently standing in front of the full length mirror in their room dressed like Winnie the Pooh, her bump on full display. She sighs, running her hands down her shirt to flatten it out.

Tony comes strolling out of the bathroom dressed up as Christopher Robin with a brilliant smile on his face. She turns and frowns at him. He raises an eyebrow, the corners of his lips dipping down as he notices Loki's unpleasant disposition.

"Why such the long face, Reindeer Games?" he asks, making his way over to Loki before placing his hands on either side of her bump. Anna-Maria presses her foot against one of his hands. Tony's smile brightens. "You look adorable," he admits, focusing his attention back on Loki before kissing her softly.

"I feel stupid."

Tony shakes his head. "You look adorable," he repeats. "You could've been an avocado like Wanda had suggested." Loki scrunches her nose. Tony laughs. "Exactly. That's why I talked her into Pooh Bear and Christopher Robin." Loki rolls her eyes.

"I would've much rather not have a baby shower at all. Like I told them when they came to me asking to throw it," she grumbles. Tony frowns and tilts his head to the side. Loki glances away, a small pout forming. Her hands fall to her bump, carefully avoiding Tony's hands. "I love you," she whispers. Tony's brow knits. "And I love Anna-Maria." A lump forms in her throat. Tony removes his hands from her bump to cup her face. "But. . ." Loki drifts off, looking down at her stomach. She can't see anything over it--not even her feet. She closes her eyes to stop the tears from falling down. "But--"

Tony kisses her. It's unexpected and Loki has told him countless amounts of times that she doesn't like it when Tony just kisses her to shut her up. While it might've worked for him in the past, it's no longer going to work for him now. Loki is far too important and has far too many important things to be said for her to be shut up like that. But for this one time--just the once--she'll allow it. She's not even sure what she was going to say. Instead of yelling at him like she usually does, she crumples into his chest. He wraps his arms around her tightly; one snaking around her waist and the other around her shoulders so he can cradle her head. A few tears find their way onto Tony's shirt but she really does try her best not to break down.

"JARVIS, text Mom and tell her we won't be attending the party," he calls out as he starts moving them to the bed. "Tell her Loki's not feeling great. Woke up with a massive headache and doesn't feel like socializing." Loki pouts as Tony pulls away, leaving her sitting alone on the bed. "Add that she doesn't have to come over, that I've got everything under control." Tony ducks back into the bathroom to put his normal people clothes back on. Loki smiles warmly as she falls back against the soft pillows. With a flick of her hand, she's no longer wearing the humiliating costume and instead a soft, flowy, Asgardian nightgown in royal purple. "But then add she's more than welcome to come later today if I give her the okay or tomorrow instead," Tony tacks on as he reenters the room. Loki smiles up at him. "I know she's gonna worry no matter what I say," he tells her as he crawls into bed beside her. She laughs softly, moving up to be at the same level as him. "Might as well lean into it. There really isn't much we can do to stop her from checking up on her baby."

"She'd do the same to Thor."

"No, I don't think she would."

"I love you," she whispers against his lips, her hands cupping his face. They scrunch their noses together before she kisses him.

He twirls a strand of her loose curls around his finger. "I know." She laughs. "It's why you married me." He shrugs. "It's why you're having my baby." He kisses her again. "J, thank the Maxi-Romanoffs for throwing the party but send my deepest apologies about not attending. They know where we live if they'd like to either drop the gifts off or kick my ass. But warn them that if they try kicking Loki's ass, they're gone. Or better yet, if they leave Anna-Maria fatherless, they're gone too." Loki giggles as she slips under the covers. Tony turns to face his wife, a small smile on his face. "I should apologize to you, too." Loki's brow furrows. "I never should've agreed to the shower in the first place. Should've known something was up when they came to me while you were out of the house." Loki fiddles with the hem of Tony's shirt. "I'm sorry. This was a terrible idea."

Loki shakes her head. "It's not your fault," she whispers. "It's theirs for not taking my 'no' as an answer." Loki curls into Tony's side, splaying her hand over the arc reactor. He leans back in bed, wrapping his arm around her to keep her safe. "Sometimes I think those three care more about the semantics of it all and not actually how we feel about certain things. The gender reveal was fine. That was for everyone. But a baby shower?" She shudders. Tony laughs softly. She shifts in bed to curl even further into his side. "What do you suggest we do now?"

"Now?" Tony hums. "Now, I suggest we lay in bed, put a cheesy rom-com on, and remember all the things we love about each other." Loki hums softly. "Like I love you because of the witty banter we're able to exchange. I love you because you never make me feel stupid for staying up days at a time to finish a project. I love you because we don't always have to talk to each other when we're in the same room; sometimes we can just coexist peacefully and it never makes it feel like there's something wrong." Loki rests her chin on his chest so she can look at him properly. "I love your funny little accent." She giggles and scrunches her nose. "I love it when you forget words in English so you mumble them in Asgardian until you remember what the word is. I love it when you still get afraid of the toaster whenever you forget there's something in it." Loki narrows her eyes. "And I love that you took so much thought and consideration into my birthday present--which, I might I add, wasn't even a milestone birthday--that you decided a baby was the best thing to give me." Loki's cheeks heat up. "That you were willing to give up your body for the following nine months just to make me happy. Even if sometimes you don't feel happy with the way you look or feel." Loki looks away. Tony cups her cheek. "Don't think I haven't noticed." He leans down and kisses her softly. "I have no idea how you must be feeling, Loki, but I want to. I want to be there for you every step of the way. Every craving, every emotional breakdown. I don't care if you're craving exotic cheese that can only be found in France or if you're sobbing because you can't see your feet." He strokes her cheek. "I'll buy every damn cheese and remodel the whole house with mirrors on the floor if I have to. Just tell me, okay?" Loki nods.

"How did I get so lucky to have you as my husband?"

"You threw me out a window." Loki buries her face in his chest as Tony laughs. He brushes his fingers through her hair, a soft, love-struck smile on his face. "And I've been falling for you ever since."

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