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With a soft moan, Loki moves around in her sleep. There aren't many positions she can sleep in now. Sleeping on her stomach is completely out of the question unless she wants to throw all her hard work down the drain, leave Tony present-less, and cause them too much heartbreak to put into words. Those reasons are the same ones she gave Tony when he had the audacity to ask her why she couldn't after she started complaining about her lack of sleep one day ("For the last time, Stark, unless I ask a question, I do not want advice. I just want someone to listen to me." "Right, sorry, continue from 'I'm terrible and should be sterilized'."). And she's been told sleeping on her back is just as bad so she tries to avoid that as well. Leaving either her right or left side which gets dreadfully boring after awhile. Not to mention the nights where Anna-Maria decides she wants to be nocturnal and doesn't like it when Mommy goes on her side so she causes an uproar to tell Mommy how uncomfortable she is. All. Night. Long. There has to be a magical solution or something so Tony can carry the next one. Or it will be a long time before Anna-Maria gets another brother or sister.

She inhales deeply only to open her eyes on the exhale. Sitting there on the nightstand beside her is a vase of freshly picked chrysanthemums, forget-me-nots, and roses. There's a small card placed in front of the vase with her name written on it in Tony's signature beautiful scrawl. Loki shuffles closer to the nightstand before grabbing the card. She heaves herself up into a sitting position before opening the card. 

From me, it reads.

Loki smiles and shakes her head, pressing the card close to her chest. After all these years, Tony still manages to surprise her. She stands from the bed (albeit a bit slowly). 

"JARVIS, can you tell Anthony that the flowers are beautiful but completely unnecessary." Loki gently caresses the petals on one of the flowers before leaning over and sniffing it. "Though they do smell lovely." She shakes her head again as she slips into her slippers and heads out of the room, her robe appearing as she walks (waddles). It's long--like a bridal robe--but fluffy around the collar and sleeves in a pastel green.

"Misses Stark, I'm under strict orders to not allow you out of the bedroom," JARVIS announces once Loki's hand touches the doorknob. She raises an eyebrow. "Also, I'd like to add: Happy birthday, Mum." She smiles softly. She'd completely forgotten today was her birthday. "But I politely request you sit back down in bed."

"Why?" she asks, tilting her head up. "Is Tony locking me in my room on my birthday?"

"No, Tony is trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed on your birthday," Tony corrects as he slowly opens the door, well aware of Loki being right behind it.

Loki smiles, biting her lip. Tony's standing in the entryway wearing his ridiculous "Kiss the Cook" apron Pietro got him one Christmas while holding onto a tray to transport the plate of Belgium waffles he made her, topped with powdered sugar and Asgardian fruit, along with a glass of orange juice and a mug of her favorite rose tea here on Midgard. And another (smaller) vase of Asgardian flowers. She laughs through her nose lightly as she covers her face with hands.

"Surprise!" Tony exclaims softly. He leads them both back over to the bed. Loki gingerly sits down on her side. Tony sets the tray down beside her before kissing her cheek. "Happy birthday, beautiful," he whispers directly into her ear. She blushes a deep crimson. Tony laughs and winks before spotting the flowers. "Ah, I see you found my note."

She holds it up. "Yes, I did. Though was it necessary?" Tony's brow furrows. "Obviously they're from you. Who else would they be from?"

"Oh, who knows. Your brother? Your mother? Wanda? Steve?" She laughs. "Though if any of them are sending you flowers that mean 'true love' or something along those lines, I'm gonna have an issue."

"Is that what they stand for?"

Tony nods. "That's what your Vanir friends told me so attack them if I'm wrong." Loki shakes her head lightly. He kisses her. "Eat," he orders. "Before it gets cold."

"And what if what I want isn't on the menu?" she counters with a small head tilt and a smirk. Tony's jaw drops slightly. She winks, causing him to laugh. 

"While I would love to give you everything you ever ask for," he leans down and nips at her ear, sending a shiver down her spine, "I don't want to hurt the baby," he finishes, resting a hand on the side of her bump. An eager Anna-Maria kicks the spot. Loki presses her lips together and closes her eyes. Tony massages the spot before removing his hand. "After all, we don't want all your hard work to go to waste." Loki scowls. She hates when he uses her words against her. "But," he kisses her forehead as he backs away, "maybe if you play nice, you'll have your way for dessert." She smirks as she starts cutting into the waffles. 

"So, what's this all for?" she asks before sticking a piece into her mouth. Upon Tony's raised eyebrow, she continues, "It's not a milestone birthday." He nods, a knowing smile playing at his lips. "So what's with all the flowers and breakfast in bed. . . and whatever else you have planned in that majestic mind of yours?" 

Tony laughs as he rounds the bed, stopping at the foot of it. "Am I really that predictable?" She shrugs. He continues laughing. "Well, if you must know, it was my birthday about, uh, eight months ago--" Loki giggles. "--and somebody got me the most amazing gift a man can ever ask for." He smiles at her, taking in her unearthly glow. "It's no baby," he admits, "but it's a start. Or something close to it at least. I don't think I'll ever be able to top Princess."

Loki snorts. "Don't worry, darling, I'll find a way to make it possible for you to carry the next one."

Tony chuckles. "I don't doubt that for a second, love." They share a smile. "Feet up." With a questioning look, Loki complies. Tony's smile grows as he grabs one of her feet, taking off her slippers. Loki's breath hitches when he starts massaging the arch of her foot. "You're not the only one who knows how to read up on things, you know." Her head falls against her pillow, a dopey smile on her face. 

"Anthony, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you are a god-send."

He chuckles again. "Maybe I am." She just hums. "How many of you are there, really? How do you know I'm not a gift from one of them?"

"I suppose I don't." Tony hums in response. "Damn, flowers, breakfast in bed, and foot rubs. Is there anything you don't think of?"

"World doesn't call me a genius for nothing." She sighs. "I also have three cartons of your favorite ice cream for later, along with another box of that fancy rose tea and a stack of old sitcoms Wanda's spotted you eyeing. Plus another dozen roses for their petals, a few non-scented candles, a whole bottle of bubble bath, and baby-safe champagne for two."

Loki gasps. "Maybe you won't be carrying the next one. Maybe I need to be pregnant all the time if this is how you treat me. We'll have an army of children."

Tony smiles and winks at her. "Anything for my Queen."

Loki bites her lip, a dopey smile lighting up her face. "Happy birthday to me," she whispers.

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Tony Stark!Where stories live. Discover now