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"Where did I go wrong with you?" My mum sobs beside my hospital bed.

Fifth time Madison.

Yet I go through the same routine of breaking up with Jason, rehabilitating myself, getting my grades up... then he comes back and fucks everything up. He apologizes, promises me that he's a changed man, I believe him and I take him back. My grades drop again, I sneak out, I drink, I take a little coke here, some ecstasy there, and before you know it I'm in the hospital either because Jason beat me up or because I had overdosed on the drugs a bit.

Each time I fall back into old habits and this needs to stop.

I wasn't always like this, I used to be the cover girl, the smartass that everyone hated, the little-miss-know-it-all. The blonde haired, blue eyed girl who was always top of her class. Until high school, when my dad left.

He left my mum and I for some fake breasted air-headed 23 year old bimbo to go live with in the Bahamas or some shit. My dad left us three years ago -he left when I was 15, and I'm 18 soon- and never, not once has he tried to contact me.

Life got hard, the divorce was messy and daddy's little bitch made sure my mum and I was left with nothing. So my mum had to put in more hours at work, meaning she was stressed and she took it out on me. I rebeliated when I met Jason, he showed me the "fun" side of life. My grades plummeted and my mother and I haven't had a decent conversation in years.

Now I'm in a hospital bed, yet again. This time it was a car crash, I wrote off my mate, David's car, I had to drive my mates home, because I was "more sober" than any of them, to be honest, I think that I might have been the drunkest of the lot. That didn't stop me however. I drove a car filled with six people, myself included to their homes, I lost control over the car and I crashed head on into another vehicle.

The door opens and I still pretend that I am asleep. It sounds like a nurse calling out for my mum.

"Yes?" My mum asks politely

"We have updates on the other minors, three of them are in a critical state, one got away with only a few broken ribs and a broken leg, and one.." The nurse stops for a second and my heart drops to the floor.

"I'm sorry ma'am but one wasn't as lucky." The nurse explains and my mouth goes dry, my chest closes up. I killed someone. I killed one of my best friends. I try to move, and open my eyes, even speak. I realise that I can't, my attempt at 'pretending to be asleep' was a waste because I can't move anything in anyway, I have aches in places I didn't know there could be and my eyes feel like they weigh a ton.

"Who was it?" My mum chokes out

"Miss. Bentley ma'am." She says and my world tumbles, my ears close up and all I hear is a white noise. Zoë. I killed my best friend. The one person I could count on.

"Thank you." My mum's crying now.

"If you need anything, call us." The nurse says and I hear a door close.

I hear shuffling in the chair beside my bed. I hear my mum sob and for the first time in years, I feel like crying too, I want to be held right now, I want my mum to kiss my forehead and tell me I'm safe from the monsters.

"I can't do this anymore Madison, I can't. I've tried my best with you but I just can't keep doing this." My mum sobs

"You're going to move to Ohio, I'm done trying." And with those words my mum stands up and I hear the door shut and all noise that's left in the room is the heart rate monitor.

My Batman [Andy Biersack]Where stories live. Discover now