Chapter 6

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I wake up in a soft bed, warm blankets and a small light beam shining on my face.

I look under the covers and see that I am only wearing underwear.

My heart stops.

A wave of relief washes over me when I realise that I'm in my room. Was everything a dream?  I look for my phone in my bed side drawer, where I usually leave it, and I check the time, 6:45am. It's still early, so I decide to go to sleep again.

The weekend goes by very fast and Monday when I wake up, I have a massive headache and the bruises on my arms and the back of my legs are more potent than it was on Friday night.

I brush my teeth, wash my face and apply a small amount of eyeliner and mascara to my face. I do my hair up in a high ponytail and I put on my uniform. Next I tidy my room then I get my books and head down stairs for breakfast.

The family is all sitting at the table, and Mrs. Bryan looks up at me, surprised.

"We thought you'd be sleeping in today, Anthony told us that he heard you cough constantly last night." She says and I catch on to what Anthony did, I change my tone of voice into half a whisper and I speak,

"Feeling better now, thanks, could I I maybe just have some flu tablets and cough medicine?" I ask and Mrs. Bryan stands up and gets it for me. I thank her and I hear the bus hooting outside. I wave them off and I leave the house, putting the tablets and syrup into my backpack.

Anthony laughs at me and I just give him a smirk.

The bus arrives and when I get on, I don't see Andy.

"How the fuck did I get home om Friday?" I whisper shout at Anthony.

"So much happened after the fight and I couldn't find anyone, not you, Paige or Andy, I heard a commotion in the living room again and I was scared it was Andy again, but then I saw that people were like leaning over someone's body. I went closer, and I saw it was you. I picked you up and carried you out, when I got outside, Andy was leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette and as soon as he saw me carrying you, he took you from me, and started carrying you himself. We brought you home and he carried you to your room." He says and I nod.

"I wasn't drunk." I say

"What?" Anthony asks in confusion.

"Like, I didn't drink and pass out." I state and Anthony seems amused.

"What do you call it then?" Anthony asks, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I had an anxiety attack." I say and the bus comes to a halt, stopping before the school

"Why did you have an anxiety attack?" Anthony asks, sounding concerned.

"Everything was overwhelming, then I spoke to this guy, Caleb and he handed me a drink, then I thought it was spiked and I kind of freaked out." I say and Anthony starts laughing.

"Cutie." He says in a fake British accent and I shove him gently when we walk to class.

I get to form and I chill with my headphones in, blasting some Asking Alexandria tunes. Andy enters the classroom, his eyes scanning the room. When his eyes meet mine, and he seems annoyed as he starts walking towards me. I suppress a smile and he leans down to give me a bracelet. I look at it and see that it's mine, I immediately realise its missing from my arm and I thank him softly.

"I'm not gonna pick up after you again, okay?" He says abruptly and leaves and I'm left shocked and confused.

What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

I decide that I'm going to ignore him for the rest of the day

The day rushes by and I gather my books before heading to the bus. When I get on the bus I put my headphones in and head bang to the alternative rock playing through the tiny speakers.

I feel someone sit down beside me, I look up to see that same brown locks from friday night. Caleb.

He starts talking and I take out my left earphone.

"Are you okay?" He asks sincerely and I nod

"Yes, thanks." I say and put both my headphones in, he taps me on my shoulder and I take out my earphone again, bit more annoyed this time.

"What?" I ask sounding irritated

"You never gave me the chance to ask your number.." He says and although I'm uninterested, I enjoy the attention.

"Really?" I ask, and he nods

"Why else do you think I came over and gave you the drink last night?" He smiles and his dimples appear.

"To roofie me?" I say quickly and I want to punch myself for my mouth being too fast for my brain

"Oh my God, no, necrophilia is not really my thing babe." He says shocked and I start laughing, I take his phone and type in my number.

"There." I smile

The bus comes to a halt and I see that it's my house, I get off and just wave at the boy, he gives me a small smile and Anthony gets off after me.

"Who's that?" He asks me as we walk to the front door. I hesitate for a minute before answering.

"Caleb." I smile, and before he replies, I'm already inside the house and halfway up the stairs.

Dinner is getting easier, just wear nice clothes, make sure my hair is done and eat everything, then they'd leave me alone for the rest of the night.

After dinner Anthony and I climb to the roof and he offers me a cigarette, it's been ages since I've smoked, but as soon as the smoke hits my lungs, it's as if I take my fresh breath for the first time in weeks, which is kind of ironic.

"Why doesn't Stacey like me?" I ask and he goes quiet, taking another pull from his fag

"She doesn't like anyone, Stacey and I aren't even close, she doesn't get... people. She has this thing about herself that she's the best there is." He says and I nod

"So don't beat yourself up too much about it, okay?" He asks and I smile

"I think I need to go and take a shower, and get ready for bed." I say and I almost slip off the roof because of a fucking loose tile, Anthony grabs me and we both burst out laughing.

"You're actually cool Mad." He smiles

"No, wait, you're Mad cool." He changes his previous statement and I start laughing at his dorkiness

"Thanks Tony, you're not too bad yourself." I smile and I get to my balcony and jump 6ft to the floor of my medium sized balcony.

I take a quick shower and put on my sleepwear, then I check my Facebook newsfeed, before getting in bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes.

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