Chapter 2

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Because of Mr. Mysterious I missed my fucking bus and now I have to start my trek home with my school bag that weighs a ton. Apparently private schools believe that a shitload of homework will make you smarter. My aunt -or whatever- is home when I walk in and she gives me a disapproving look.

"Why are you so late, school came out two hours ago!" She scolds me. I'm too tired to fight her.

"I missed the damn bus so I had to walk home, okay?" I show her the holes in my socks. No way will I walk 5 miles in heels, even if it is only an inch.

"Don't miss the bus next time then, okay?" She says bitchy as ever.

"Okay." I say in a bored tone of voice.

"Go get ready for dinner." She instructs and I oblige, and go to my room.

Fuck this. My mum really does hate me, leaving me with this sociopath. I lock my door and take out my laptop and I sprawl across my white duvet cover. I type in Brighton Academy into the google search bar and the school's website pops up, I need to know who that boy was.

After half an hour of going through school photos, class photos and all the yearbook photos from two years back, till now, I find nothing. He's nowhere in any of these photos and I start questioning my sanity. Was he really there or was it just my mind playing tricks on me again, maybe my system is so used to getting some sort of drug into my bloodstream that this is withdrawal symptoms and my mind thought it funny to play such gag on me.

There's a knock on my door.

"Occupied." I say and I hear a manly laugh

"It's Anthony, my mum said I should let you know that dinner is ready in a few minutes and that you need to come down so long." So the asshole has a name. Anthony. Fucking suits him.

"Tell mummy that I'm not hungry, therefore I won't be joining the royal family for dinner." I say and he sighs

"You're making this hard on yourself Madison." He says and I sit upright, closing my laptop, I walk over to my door and rip it open.

"I just don't want to eat dinner, so what? Here, take my phone," I hand him my phone and he looks puzzled

"Wha-" He starts but I interrupt him,

"Call the cops, tell them I don't want dinner." I say

"Oh my God, you're so childish." He shakes his head and I feel like I can shove my head in a hole

"Get dressed and come downstairs, eat and act like a presentable, decent young lady, that is if you'd like to go home, believe me, Stacey and I are not happy about your stay either." He says and he walks away.

I quickly put on another top and leggings with my slippers. I'm not dressing up in a dress or anything. It's dinner, for fuck sakes.

It's only now that I realise that Anthony has a little rebellious streak in him as well. The way his clothes fit and the black bracelet on his arm, he still looks decent but a hint of badass is in there.

"How was school?" Mrs. Bryan asks us and Stacey starts telling her mum a story of how her day was and what she did in class, while Anthony's dad eyes him up and down, as Anthony eats his gourmet burger and salad.

I only finish the salad before I excuse myself from the table.

"Your dinner isn't finished." Mr. Bryan says and I give him my best 'duhh' look I can muster.

"Sit down and finish it." Mrs. Bryan perks up,

"Or what? I don't get desert?" I mock and Anthony looks amused, not at my sassiness but at my stupidity. Fuck! I need to play my cards right. I'll start tomorrow. The small girls look at me with wide eyes

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