Detroit changed since the peaceful revolution that was lead by Markus and his friends. Even Connor, the one that was supposed to hunt deviants, deviated and helped them by martching with an army of androids behind him. The famous deviant hunter became the same thing that he was hunting. Markus and his friends managed to write down a whole new document about Android Rights. Androids were now free people with their own lives and families and the same rights as had humans. Everything seemed to have calmed down and people seemed to accept the fact that there are no more servants. But some people still couldn't give it up...


17th January 2039

The sun was shining through the window into a bit messy bedroom. The walls were the color of coffee with only a little bit of milk in it. There was a commode with clothes and underwears, on which sat a small picture of two men and two cats. The lights weren't on and the window was slightly open. Clothes were lying on the floor messily. On a double bed lied a man, sleeping and mostly hidden under covers, snoring slightly. Beside the man lied two cats. One long furred and black with some dark ginger and dark brown spots, surely meine coon. And the second one pure white with folded ears and long fur coat, an american fold cat.

After just a bit of time one of the cats woke up and stretched out as an alarm on the nightstand in the phone began ringing. The black cat yawned slightly and walked up to the man, softly licking the side of his face. The white cat meowed softly and tried to paw the phone to stop ringing. But it didn't do much... Only nearly made it fall off.

"Uhm.... Alright, alright... I'm up... " The man mumbled into the pillow and opened his greyish-greenish eyes. His brown, short hair were a mess. "I'm up Cameron... You can stop licking me..." He said and slowly sat up, stretching out. "Pearl, don't drop my phone. " He said to the white cat, turning the alarm off. "Go to the kitchen... I'll be there to give you food in a minute. " He said and the cats jumped off of the bed, running off to the kitchen.

The young detective slowly stood up and went to the bathroom with some clothes in hands. He washed himself and got dressed before walking out and to the kitchen. The cats meowed up at him loudly and walked around him, sometimes even in front of his feet. "Yeah, yeah I get it. You're hungry. " He said and filled the kettle with water for his everyday coffee. He took the cat food and filled their bowls with it as well as with water. "Here, hungrybutts. " He said and went to eat something and drink his coffee. He didn't like plain coffee, usually he added some milk to it as well as a spoon of sugar. Then it was perfect.


After his morning routine he got in his car and began heading to the DPD. He liked his job. It always have been his dream to he a police officer and help people. He loved it so much that one day he got promoted to detective at a very young age as for a detective. But his work wasn't only about helping people, sometimes he had to chase down suspects and examinate crime scenes, collecting the evidence. It wasn't easy but it helped him relax at times.

As he parked his car he sighed and went inside. As always the android receptionist welcomed him. He just waved to her and went into the bullpen. And there the chaos began...

Every morning the bullpen was chaotic. Everyone was running around and trying to organize things. Mornings were the toughest times of day. Sometimes even cleaning androids didn't catch up with busy officers and their coffee cups left at their desks as they left for another ones. Gavin didn't mind it at all. He just sliped his way through the crowd and to his desk, turning the terminal on and getting to work, filling raports.

At times it was boring. Just sitting in front of the computer and filling in the blank spaces, but someone had to do the job. Everyone had their own raports to do. Everything was fine. Until...

Into the bullpen walked two, very familiar to Gavin men. Connor and Hank. Unseparable duo. Lieutenant and a fresh officer. Hank was Gavin's old friend. He helped him adjust to the work of a police officer and taught him a few things, until the son of Hank's son - Cole. It isn't a story for now, but we can say that the old man didn't take it easy...

Connor was an android, the famous devaint hunter that deviated and helped Markus with the peaceful revolution. He appeared in the DPD just after the first deviant cases began appearing. CyberLife made him to hunt them down, which... Didn't go as planned. Gavin didn't like him much. Connor was friends with nearly everyone but not Gavin. Why? Let's say that Gavin didn't like concurrence...

"Hello, detective Reed." Connor said, walking up to Gavin as always to greet him. "Can I help you with something? " He added, tilting his head to the side softly.

Gavin didn't know why, but Connor always did that. He always walked up to him and asked if he could help Gavin with something. How could the detective understand it? Was he saying that Gavin wasn't capable of doing the work correctly? Maybe...

"What do you want, tincan? " Gavin asked not so kindly as always and stared up at him from the place he was sitting in. "Can't you ghost your partner?" He asked and rose his brow.

"I don't want anything, detective. I just wanted to ask if I could help somehow. Just a friendly help. " He smiled brightly as always.

Connor never was rude to anyone, even to Gavin. It was strange and yet a bit creepy. The smiles, the small, friendly favors. He didn't understand it at all. Him and Hank had some bond between themselves. Some may say something like father-son relationship, even if they won't admit it.

"You always as the same thing and I always say no. Get lost, dipshit. I don't have time for lost puppies. " Gavin said and turned back to his work.

Connor stood there for just a little bit longer, a bit creeply looking at what Gavin was doing but then walekd away, back to his desk opposite Hank.


It was a few hours later. The day have been extremely boring and Gavin already had drunk a lot of coffees. When him and Hank were still good friends, the Lieutenant would say that he would kill himself someday the amount of coffee he drinks will kill him or something like that, but Gavin never listened. Not because he was stupid. Well... He didn't like to listen to anyone, but it also made Hank annoyed and it made Gavin amused.

Gavin have filled a few raports and his, yet another, coffee break was going smoothly. To be honest the coffee in DPD wasn't as good as the one he drank, well it wasn't good at all, but it helped him stay up and get some energy into himself.

After he finished his coffee, Capitan Fowler walked out of his glass office and called him in. The detective closed the glass door behind himself and asked what was going on.

"We have an urgent situation. You, Hank and Connor will go and try to stop an anti-android protest at the other end of the town now. They are violent so watch out. Take the bulletprood vests and join the SWAT team. " He said and threw a file with some pictures of the protest to him. Gavin took it and nodded.

"Sweet... "

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