"OLD MAN AND TINCAN! " Gavin yelled as he left Capitan's office. He just tried to get their attention. "With me. We got a case. " He muttered and kept walking to his desk to take a few things with himself. He didn't have much on his desk. Some empty cups after the coffee he drunk, some photos from newspapers, some small plant that... Was dead. Gavin apparently wasn't good with plants, well... At least in DPD. H just didn't have time for them, okay? He likes plants and taking care of them but not while working. He had far more important things here to do than gardening.

Lieutenant and Connor soon walked up to him. Connor was confused but as always greeted everyone with his cheerful smile that no one knew where he got so much happiness for. Lieutenant... Well... He as always was grumpy and unhappy to work. Was it because of Gavin or was it his normal self being unhappy to work at all in the age he was right now? It didn't seem to bother the detective at all. Since Connor came Hank seemed a bit more at ease... At least around people he liked. Gavin wasn't one of those people....

"What is it, asshole? " As always Hank had to begin with 'pretty' nicknames... "Can't you see that all of us are busy and we don't have time for your shit? " He asked grumply.

"Hank just tried to ask what can we assist you in, detective..." Connor said, looking once at the Lieutenant and then back at Gavin with a smile, that wasn't so cheerful after what Hank said.

Gavin glanced up at them, not too eager to work with them. He'd rather worl solo. It always was easier to him, than listening to some people that can't organize themselves and just bother him the whole time he is trying to work. "Fowler gave us a case. Anti-android protest in the other end of the town. " He threw the documents pn the desk closer to them so they could look at them. "Apparently a few androids are dead already, as well as a few people that tried to help androids. " He mumbled and took his keys to the car. "We need bulletproof vests. " He added, then looked up at them yet again.

Hank and Connor seemed shocked at first. No protest ever got that violent to the point where people were dying, both andorids and humans. After a while Connor blinked, his LED flashing in stressed yellow as he nodded. "I-I'll go for the vests. " He said and walked off fastly.

'Not so cheerful now, huh?' Gavin thought to himself and looked at the Lieutenant.

The older man looked at the deocuments and sighed. "I'll go for my gun. " He muttered and turned to walk away without any other word.

Gavin just huffed and prepared to leave. Gun, handcuffs, keys, wallet, jacket, exc. He didn't have much with himself. He took only things he needed. The detective hated pointless things.

Soon Connor came back with two bulletproof vests. "Why two? Where is the third one? " Gavin asked, lookint at him angrily. "If you think you'll play a hero card on us-" He started but then android interrupted him.

"There were only two. I didn't see anymore even after scanning the room. " Connor answered and sighed. "I'm far more resistent than a human so I don't need much protection." He added.

Gavin just stared at the android blankly. Was he telling the truth? Usually the detective was able to tell if someone was lying or not, but... Connor was diffrent. He was harder to get to and harder to guess. Every time Gavin was trying to guess if the android was telling the truth, he ended up with no answers. Even if Connor was new to emotions, he could lie pretty good.

"Alright, kids. We're going. No time to waste and the faster we end it, the faster I'll be freed from coffee man. " Hank interrupted them and began walking out.

It wasn't new from Hank to try and 'free' himself from working with Gavin, but it still hurt most of the time, though the detective was hiding it. The old man didn't need to know that it mattered to Gavin. Why would he even care? Hank hated Gavin and Gavin hated Hank, right...? Right?

Gavin and Connor just walked after Hank. The Lieutenant had to see that Gavin had his keys out so he lead them to Gavin's car. A blue Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 from 2020. It was a bit old now but Gavin still liked it. Plus it looked good. And he didn't trust the electric ones with autopilot that were popular now, but that's not important. "Get in. " He said simply and got into the driver seat, fastening the seat belt.

When everyone was ready, he started the engine and drove out from the parking and onto the road. The ride was quite. The only sound that could be heard was Gavin driving and from time to time turning the turn signal on. But then...

"This car is very pretty, detective. Did you change anything or was it that way when you bought it? " Connor interrupted the sweet silence and made both Hank and Gavin sigh and then glance at themselves angrily before Gavin had to look back onto the road.

"Bought it like that. " He answered grumply and kept driving. He didn't like to talk with any of them from obvious for him reasons. Connor could be really annoying sometimes...

When they got to their destination, all of them froze while getting out of the car. There was a lot of blood and dead bodies. They all were killed in the most burtal way they could be, at least that seemed like it. In the distance was a group of people shouting and seemingly not wanting to listen to the police trying to negociate with them.

Gavin, Connor and Hank walked up to Capitan Allen, who was looking at some of the dead bodies. "They didn't kill them right away. They forst pushed their eyes into their head and then began breaking limbs with what seemed like metal pipes. Then they began pulling out wires from every part of their bodies and finally took out their thirium pump regulator and left them to die slowly. " He said and looked up at the group. "They are dangerous." He added and looked at the bulletproof vests they brought. "Take these off. They are nothing. My team will give you ours. They are better then these cheap shit you have at DPD. "

Allen... Capitan of the SWAT team and yet the coldest asshole in the whole Detroit. He was really successful in the past and very quickly got to the rank of the capitan. Strategic and calm. He took part in the first deviant case. Connor helped him too. They saved some girl from a PL600 on a rooftop of some skyscraper. It was very close for the android to jump down, but Connor managed to convince him to let go of the girl. Then Allen's people shot the android. That man didn't back away from anything.

Both Gavin and Hank took off their bulletproof vests and were about to get the SWAT ones on but Gavin heard something strange... He turned to where the crowd of people was negociating with police and SWAT but then as the negociators turned to walk back, people took out guns. "ON THE GROUND! " gavin yelled but it was too late. The shots echoed through the air.

Negociators fell to the ground, dead. Blood pooling underneath their bodies. But... They weren't the only ones shot...

Hank, Connor and Allen looked up when the shooting ended but.. Gavin wasn't on the ground near them. They looked around, trying to find him and froze when they saw Gavin on the ground. There was a lot of blood around him. His eyes stared blankly upwards, empty and the light in them dulling with every second. There was ablut 9 bullet wounds on his chest. The detective took a very harsh breath and then as he tried to exhale only blood came out. Then... He stopped breathing. His complexion paling and his eyes fell closed. Gavin... He was... Dead...

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