//Hiii! Sorry for such a long wait! Motivation was low and I was a bit busy with outside matters! Hopefully I did not discouraged you all with the time. I' try to post the updates bit more often now that summer holidays will be starting in two weeks. Anyway! I hope you'll enjoy reading this part. It's a bit short, but I promise future parts will be longer!


It was a few days later... The word about Detective Gavin Reed dying from the hands of anti-android protestors spread. The whole DPD was... Diffrent. Hank, the alcoholic yet super good cop, had been very quiet lately... Connor, the usually happy and optimistic android, was trying to play off his whole frustration with humor which... Didn't seem to go through Hank easily. Some of the officers had tried to mask their stress with overworking themselves. Others were eating a lot of diffrent things just to keep their stress from bursting out. It... Wasn't the same anymore... The grief overtook everyone's minds and bodies...

Captain Fowler didn't walk out of his office so much anymore... There was no one to yell at, no one to joke with due to the groomy moods that were hanging around the DPD since Gavin's funreal.

Even the people of Detroit were diffrent. The anti-android protests didn't occur so often and if they did, they usually weren't numerous... The anti-android protesters didn't want to hear the hatered from people talking about how they killed a human and not android. It all was a mess....


"Connor! " Hank shouted as he noticed the android yet again got distracted by something. It happened more and more often since Gavin's death.

"Yes, Lieutenant? " He asked as he looked up, LED flashing in yellow once, then back to blue.

"I was talking to you. What place did that mind of yours took you to this time? " He asked a bit annoyed. It was frustrating that he has to repeat himself over and over. "Ugh. Nevermind. I'll never understand it anyway." He said and rubbed his face, pushing the long, gray hair back. "We have a case. Someone is disturbing the peace and destroyinf graves at graveyard. "

"Graveyard?" Connor repeated in shock, then sighed, nodding and getting up. "Let's go then. " He said as Hank took out the keys to his car, both heading to leave the building.


"We're here. " Hank said as they pulled up to the parking beside the graveyard. They both got out and grimaced. The disturbence was very loud and could be heard even from further than just the parking. "Let's get over with this shit. " He said and began walking.

Connor followed after him. The android was looking around, kind of hoping to visit Gavin's grave. Hank kept on following the sounds to get to the source. With every meter, the noise was getting louder to the point Hank put hands over his ears.

"I may be old but I don't want to hear like all the old pricks. " He said as he kept pushing forward.

The noise turned out to be a few of 'old pricks', blasting loud music at the graves of the androids that died during the revolution. "Free humankind! Destroy androids! " Some yelled, holding the signs with unfriendly quotes towards androids.

One of the protestants walked out of the crowd as Hank began yelling to turn down the music. "Why would we?! Androids have stolen out jobs, families! We have nothing to live from!" He yelled back to Hank as the music kept on playing.

"Turn the music down and then we'll talk! " Hank yelled back as Connor moved from the side, slowly turning the music down until it was not heard at all.

Few protesters looked over at him obviously angry. "Look who came to the rescue of the dead junk! " One yelled as they moved to Connor. The android just stood there, watching them.

"If you try anything, I can raport an assault. In addition as a police officer, I can raport assault on police officer. " Connor said and smiled gently, head titling to the side gently in a petty gesture.

The protesters stared with gritted teeth as Hank tried to talk down the 'leader'. "As much as I care, which I don't, you legally cannot continue this whorehouse in the city." He said annoyed and stared at the man. "Unless you all want to be arrested for not cooperating with us. Your choice. " He said and the 'leader' shrunk back, glancing over his shoulder at the group which all the members paled slightly. "Just what I thought. Get your stuff and leave, next time we won't be merciful. " He said as the people took their stuff in hurry.

Connor walked back to Hank, just watching the people run off with their stuff. "That went smooth. " He said, looking up at Hank.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm hungry, let's go get a burger. " Lieutenant said and began going back but Connor swallowed and sighed.

"Lieutenant? " Connor asked as Hank turned back. "Could I... Go see Gavin's-" He didn't finish as Hank just nodded and sighed, turning back to him.

"Let's go, kid. " He said as they both began heading to where Gavin's grave was.

It wasn't too long of a walk but with all the emotions boiling in Connor, it was stretching out. Time freezing and suddenly speeding up. His legs a bit shaky at the thought of seeing Gavin's name on a piece of stone. The detective wasn't supposed to die so young... It wasn't fair. He had so much life before him still...

When they got there the time felt like it stopped and didn't want to move forward anymore. Both of then staring at the place and just disbeliveing. They glanced at each other once, then back at the place of the grave. One question was bothering both of them...

Where was the grave...?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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