Interrogation ღ |✨

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Jan 22nd, 2021

Okay, so I promised to write more for Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (to myself) so, therefore, have this short piece of uuuh to have some of it. It sure am not used to write for MCGA but I sure can learn! It's short but hey.

Pairing: Magnus x reader (platonic, but could be read romantically.)
Request: Could you maybe write something for magnus or hearthstone? Maybe just dating headcanons, thank you! (Hearths will be posted later!)
Word count: 796
Warnings: spoilers from the first chapter of the first book, I guess.


'Well, this is my first time to be asked on a double date by a sword.' you laughed, as Magnus' face flushed. 'Gods, I am sorry, 'it's just, Jack would not keep his mouth shut.'
'Does he even have a mouth?' you rested your chin on your hand, 'I mean he is a sword after all.' Magnus let out a sigh, but forgot to hide the small smile forming on his lips.

Meanwhile, Jack was going off, uh, flirting with your sword. 'Is it just you, or is it hot in here?' You sided eyed the couple, wondering if he knew that your weapon, in fact, could not talk.

'So, if this is a double date, we should get to know each other, right?' you asked, ignoring the quick stammering in your chest. Sure, you have known Magnus for a bit before now. Both of you met on the streets, Magnus disappeared without a trace, there was a funeral. You met his cousin at the funeral, Annabeth.

And then he had the audacity to come back, right as you were cornered on the streets by wolves. You didn't know how the wolves got in Boston, but what you did know is that you were glad to have gotten an heirloom that, apparently, turned into a sword.

Although, you were sure that if Magnus had not saved you with Jack's help, you might not have been here.

'Yeah, uh, sure,' Magnus stammered, apparently slightly uncomfortable under your sharp gaze, 'What-'

'How did you survive?' you shot him. Magnus' eyes widened. This man should really work on his poker face. 'You died, you had a burial. I saw your body Magnus.' You sat up right and straightened your shoulders, 'and now you just come back, with a talking sword, mind you. What is going on?' You send Magnus your sharpest glare.

You didn't notice the conversation of Jack and your sword fall silent. The whole of Fadlan's Falafels was muted for you, because the only thing that mattered was finding out how he survived. Magnus opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Abdel putting food down in front of us.

'Now, now (Y/n),' Abdel let out a hearty laugh, 'I don't know what you asked this poor boy but you could be less hard on him.' he winked at you as you laughed at him. 'Well, eat up and be on your way.' Abdel said as he walked away to help more customers.

As you turned back to your interrogation subject, he had already buried his face in the falafel. You decided to, for a moment, drop the conversation and take a bite. As you swallowed it, you figured you had given Magnus enough of a break.

'So, why did Abdel not care for the flying, talking sword, and how did you survive?' you inquired again, as you took another bite. Magnus tensed, but he quickly figured that if you were hunted by wolves, saw Jack and had your own weapon, you would not be safe for long, left in the dark.

'Okay, I will tell you, but you've got to promise not to freak out.' he said, already having finished his falafel. This man just inhales it or something. You nodded, continuing to eat.

'The real basics are, I died. And I went to Valhalla, where I became an einherjar.' he looked at your face, which only seemed confused.
'A what?' you asked, having finished your meal.
'Warrior of Valhalla, we'll fight in Ragnarok.' Magnus explained and you both stood up to leave the place. As you walked into the Boston winter cold you let out a breath.

'And the wolves? The talking weapons?' you asked, not bothering to look at your -undead- friend.
'The wolves were after you?' Magnus' reply sounded more like a question, 'I think at least. The magic weapons are a, uh thing indeed. Got mine through a quest. How did you get that sword?' You could feel his gaze on you as you tightened the grip on the hilt.
'Family heirloom. It was a ring, but now here we are.' you shrugged, 'So, the thing with Abdel? A prophecy?' you finally turned your gaze to the blond.

'Some kind of magical mist, uh, normal people can't see the stuff we do. The prophecy is a long story.' Magnus explained.
'But I can see what you're doing?'
'You're not normal? I, I don't know what it is. Perhaps you are a demigod of some sorts?' You squint your eyes, looking forward into the masses. 'Hey aren't that Hearth and-'

'Oh, they're probably looking for me. Good to see you (Y/n), stay safe!' and Magnus ran off. He did not explain anything, but at least he was alive.
Or undead, or something.

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