Poly!Fierrochase headcanons ღ | ✨

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Jun 28th, 2021

Fierrochase? In this economy? It's more likely than you think. Pairing: Poly!Fierrochase x reader, Alex Fierro x reader x Magnus Chase Request: hey could u do poly!fierrochase headcanons?? Thankss!! Word count: ~650 Warnings: I mention death like twice (because Valhalla)-AsjaOkay, so first of all, a lot of banter. Naturally Magnus and Alex have to fight (and die) a lot in Hotel Valhalla. These fights often get carried over to the rest of the day. I am not saying that they are always aggressive - it could also just be one of them 'stealing' you for the day and the other having to find you. You, at first, just thought it was one of your SO's wanting to have a date and some one on one time (not unheard of in a poly relationship), until Alex stormed in angry at her boyfriend for taking up all your time. You put two and two together, only to laugh. As revenge to Magnus, Alex took you away that day and taught you how to work with clay.Other things that are included in your relationship are your SO's always trying to protect you when there is a fight (and you sometimes needing to protect them instead). Call it instinct, but they care too much about you to let you get hurt. If you get hurt Magnus will be next to you in less than a second and have healed you. On better days, (read no one killed anyone that morning) you get both of them at your side. You're most often put in the middle, although Alex often grabs both of you guys' hands to drag you somewhere. Magnus is contend with wherever he gets put, although on his bad days he would like to be in the middle more. Next up, the Chase Place. Being in a relationship with these two does require you to put your time into this safe haven for homeless kids. You can bet that if you aren't willing to help them, they aren't willing to date you. Being homeless was for both a big part of their lives and they want to help those that they can help. This also means that if children dare to get too cocky, or too close to you, Magnus and Alex will shut them up fast. This is either by kissing you, taking over, or taking you away. Affectionate wise it is really up to what you are comfortable with. They will understand if you have set boundaries, and they will tread lightly until they find the right balance. It's the same the other way around. Especially in the beginning, Alex won't like it if you initiate contact. This mostly because of his experiences with his old home. Sure Alex opens up slowly and shows affection towards you both, receiving is just difficult.When the rhythm and boundary is set, there is some love to go around, although more in a 'married couple kind of way. Banter that ends with 'I love you's', kisses when you do stuff for each other, etc. The kisses done the most are short on the lips pecks. If not the lips, it'll be the cheeks. If you kiss Alex on his nose he will make a disgusted face though so beware. When Magnus found out he made it his job to kiss Alex on the nose whenever he won't expect it. Moving on from this topic - dates are weird. 'Normal' dates like the movies or cafes just feel off. On a date between you it will more likely be hiking or camping, seeing weird places, surviving in general. That's if you go out with your date. If you stay at home you could watch a movie, talk, bathe in each other's presence. Perhaps you'll sit on the balcony of the Chase Place and count stars, cuddle up to your lovers. It's where no one (except for the gods) can see or hurt you, a safe place for the three of you.

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