The best part of me poem

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The best part of me...

The best part of me is my legs
They get me to places
From Point A to Point B
There might be delays
In the end, you get to your destination

It is the best part of me
My legs help me survive
They help me thrive in the wildlife
My legs carry me around
From point A to Point B

I wouldn't be me without my legs
They make me who I am
They can do things
Things that wouldn't be impossible without them
They get me from Point A to Point B

Destination to destination
Point A to Point B
Place to place
My legs get me where I need to go

My legs get me out of bed each morning
And to bed each night
They get me to school
They get me to where I need to go
Each and every day

My legs make me who I am
They are a big part of me
Without them, I wouldn't be me
Destination to Destination
Place to Place
This is the best part of me...

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