Earthquakes - Earth Science A

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The natural disaster I chose is Earthquakes. Earthquakes happen when the fault lines slip releasing energy and causing that specific area to shake. This causes destruction and will end up costing millions of dollars or even billions of dollars. This specific natural disaster causes the following: Road destruction, tsunamis, landslides, and avalanches.

To get prepared you need the following according to Make an escape plan and decide what to do in the event of an earthquake. Include perishable items, cleaning supplies, and water in case you go without water for over 3 days. You will also need 60% alcohol in case someone needs medical attention but can't receive it from a medical professional.

Secure your house... This means you need to make your house earthquake proof and safe for you and your family. Lockdown bookcases or anything that can fall in the event of an earthquake. Just because you have all of the essentials to survive an earthquake doesn't guarantee your survival. It is 2020 the year of the epidemic spreading, bring some masks with you because when the officials show up you will want to keep all of you safe. This is not mandatory but is preferred by the government

If you are in a car, STOP.

If you are in bed turn face down and cover your head/neck with a pillow or blanket.

If you are outdoors STAY AWAY from civilization and cities.

If you are inside STAY inside and don't run

In conclusion, Earthquakes are dangerous and you should attempt to avoid them at all costs. If you need help there is always somebody waiting to help you at any time of the day just call the magic number and wait in silence for the government to show up at your house because they won't and they don't care about you. So you're off on your own and good luck! :)

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