Exec letter

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Exec Letter of Candidacy: My Vision for Executive Marketing

I am running for executive council because I want to help make others feel included and get everyone involved. When I first came to Sky View in 2019, my very first interaction here was with some of the people on exec. From that moment on, I felt like I had a place here at Sky View. I was welcomed and felt like what I had to say was important. I have had so many opportunities to be involved with the school. Everyone was so nice to me and gave me many opportunities that I probably wouldn't have had if I had gone somewhere else. My freshman year was quite scary, but I had friends like exec that helped me get through it all. They were my go-to people if I needed anything or wanted someone to talk to.
With that being said, I want to give the incoming freshmen and everyone else here at Sky View the same opportunities that I have had and continue to have because one of the worst things is not having someone to talk to and feeling left out. Especially at a very challenging time in your life, such as being new to high school. If I didn't get the opportunity to get to know the exec from my freshman year, who knows where I would be or what friends I would have? I am so grateful for everything that they have done for me. But I am running for exec to give back and be the example they were to me my entire first year of high school.
I want to help others get out of their comfort zones. I want them to get involved with what is going on and want everyone to feel included. Since I am running for Executive Marketing, I want to serve the student body of Sky View High School. I want to be able to listen to them and hear what they have to say. I will include some of their ideas during my year in exec and make everyone have a voice and feel heard. I want to include everyone because everyone matters. I want to bring unity to Sky View because here at Sky View, we are ONE "family". At the end of the day, we are all bobcats and we need each other. We need to make every day a great day to be a bobcat!
We can all be friends, and we can all take care of each other. I can truly say that. I see it each and every day from our amazing student body. I see Sky View working together and being kind to each other. When someone is feeling down, I often see other students come up to each other and say something along the lines of "Hey, are you doing okay? Is there anything I can do to make your day better?" I am so lucky that we get to and have the opportunity to go to an amazing school where we all care for each other and get to see each other thrive as one and as Sky View Bobcats!
I am running for Sky View's Executive Council Marketing member because I want to be able to create new things for Sky View such as the superfan shirts. I want to be able to create things that represent Sky View as a whole, not leaving anyone out. I want the best for Sky View and to have an amazing student body. As I said earlier, I want everyone to feel included and for all of us to feel welcome and like we have a voice.
I also want to be able to run the Exec Instagram account because I want to be able to give updates and make others aware of what's going on at Sky View. I will get everyone excited about events so I can get our amazing student body out to the games and make the games so much fun! I want to have as much interaction between the executive council and the students as possible to make next year a party and a half so we can all get excited about coming back to school in the fall!
Since the marketing member is in charge of making the posters when needed, I would try my hardest to make them unique and engaging. In hopes that I can draw in more people and more people can get involved with whatever is going on at school. The more students we can get involved with at school or during games, the better and more fun the school year can and will be. I am going to try to get as many people as possible to join clubs and show the new students how much fun high school can be. We only get one shot at making high school as fun as possible, so we might as well make the most of it and do as much as possible to help each other grow and thrive.
To sum up my vision for exec marketing, I hope that next year we can bring more unity, and try to make next year more fun than this year! There's always room for improvement and room to bring us together!

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