This I believe Essay

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A roller coaster of a life
I believe that stress can lead to something good. I also believe that being a quintuplet isn't easy. Before I learned to believe in these things my life was decent and I didn't know any of these things. So it didn't really affect me in any way, shape, or form. Failure in something led me to these things and it taught me that failure is okay sometimes because life isn't going to be amazing 100% of the time.
I believe that stress can turn into something good. In the last year I woke up one morning and life just wasn't it and I was expecting that day to be a trainwreck. I trudged to school and plopped into my seat. Seminary was my first hour. It was like midfirst hour and I was sitting there learning absolutely nothing because what else is school for? All of a sudden 4 missionaries walked in two being elders and two being sisters. They were asking us questions about different things like what we do in our free time and getting to know us. I don't know what the real point of them being there was. They did absolutely nothing while being in the seminary building but they made me happy for sure. They eventually got up and left but there was one missionary in that room and he is from Anchorage, Alaska and there was something really exciting about him that made everything disappear. His laugh and happiness rubbed off on me and then life decided that it was going to turn out better than I thought it would. Happier than ever, it made me realize that anything that I was going through the past 3 months was fake and there was actually nothing wrong with me. So the 3 months prior to this event was literally a waste of time and I was worrying for literally nothing. Moral of the story, me and that missionary Caleb Latteier still talk to each other and we haven't forgotten about each other. Out of this experience I gained a few friends from it and I learned that life can and would be amazing if I take it that way. Life can only be good if I make it that way and treat it like it is a gift.
I believe that being a quintuplet isn't amazing like everyone makes it seem. Being a quintuplet is exhausting but fun. Sometimes my favorite sibling depends on the day. They talk extremely loud at unnecessary levels of loudness for one. They are always up in my business for two. Most importantly my sibling, Coira snitches on each other and gets me in trouble. Anything annoying that your siblings do, my siblings do too but it's 4 times worse and it's annoying. The best part of being a quintuplet is that I always have someone to talk to and that I basically have built in friends. They do everything with me such as walks, they watch movies with me and they entertain me by doing stupid things such as their rants, and they also love the car and late car rides. They stay up late sometimes and keep the entire house up which could be both good and bad. My siblings like to start riots right before bed and on the way to school it's like they don't ever stop fighting. Amazing food, my siblings make at any time of the day. Those are the good and bad things of being a quintuplet.
Moral of the story, stress can be good. You can meet amazing people and do amazing things to distract yourself but in the process of being stressed all the time, it's a living nightmare and is stressful in itself. Stress, exhausting and amazing, has been the best thing yet after ignoring it. Being a quintuplet is amazing but it has its bad times obviously but they are forced into doing everything with you. If I need something my siblings are there to do it for me.

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