English paragraphs

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I think that all environments are important and that they all do something. Some people may like the rain forest while others like the desert. Everyone is different in their own way. For me, the taiga biome is my favorite because it can get cold and that is how I like it. I like Christmas and there it is basically Christmas every day (without the presents). The environments that bring out the worst of me is the rain forest because I hate when it starts to burn or things like that. I like the earth how it is right now(minus the corona) because it is a cool place and there is so much to explore. I like to explore and there is a lot that we as humans haven't explored yet. If we all came together we could do many things and there is not a single time that humans have come together and failed miserably. We can do things that are hard and if something goes wrong we are here for each other and we will never let each other down.


My most loyal friends are last year's exec. They are so loyal because they are nice to everyone. I never had friends and was the kid who was left out of everything (If you tell us to get partners just assign them or I won't have one) and only had my siblings to have fun with. They were so fun and Olivia was the best one. Freshman year was so fun with them. I would always trust them with my life because they aren't the fake friend that most kids have nowadays which is good. I can tell them whatever I wanted and they wouldn't judge me for what I say, unlike most kids. I think everyone should get themselves a friend just like the old exec because they aren't rude and are always there for you. It was a mistake when corona-cation came because then I had to leave them and I will most likely never see them again.


When Mark Twain says "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" I agree because the majority is not always right. Don't listen to others because it is about what you want and what you want to see/be in the future. In the past, I didn't fit in which I have explained in past assignments and to me, it was embarrassing and didn't feel right because I didn't fit in. I have learned that I am going to focus on what I want the future to be like and that I wasn't going to listen to other students. If they want to talk smack about me I don't care because that is what they want. They want to bring me down and that isn't what I am here for. I am here to be myself and not listen to others if they are going to be negative. That is their perspective about me and this could possibly be the case for others and we aren't going to make their day by being negative. So the moral of the story don't go with the trend because that is what most people are doing do what is comfortable for you, not them. It is your life, not theirs so take control of it.


I would want to know my future depending on what it is. I would want to know when I'm going to die and how I'm going to die. I would want to know a lot of things but life just doesn't work that way. If I knew everything It would basically ruin life because then it wouldn't be an adventure. I would like to have anything I wanted if I knew everything because then it wouldn't be hard and then I could pass school in a heartbeat. I would never have to try and could relax 24/7. For now, since I can't figure out what is going to happen in my future I will have to trust every source and gut feeling I have or can find because then I can be the best me I can possibly be. I can also have a good attitude towards stuff depending on how I feel. If I knew everything then all my dreams and life goals can be true. Even though we can't see into the future we can trust others around us and can try to make the best out of the present moments that we will only get once in a lifetime.

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