Chapter 11

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when I got home a couple days ago, Valerie was still here because we couldn't get the safe house ready for her on short notice. But today I got a text from Dante that it was done last night. shes only leaving until we've dealt with the situation but I'm not exactly sure how long that will be.

I got a text from Dante this morning that our meeting is today at 2 and it is currently 1:25.

I grab my phone and Keys and walk across the hall to Naomis office, my knuckles rap against the door."come in!" her smooth voice echos from inside, I walk in and see her sitting at her desk on the phone with someone, while she looks through the file thats in her hand. she puts her finger up as if saying 'give me a second'. I lean against the door frame waiting.

"yea- no.... what?! no Alex can deal with that. no she is not on assignment I told her to deal with this guy and gave the other file to maze instead. you have got to be fucking kidding me. fine ill deal with it myself. no its fine Dante ill tell Nicole now, bye." she hangs up and tosses her phone onto the dest with the file still in her hand. she looks up at me,

"hey doll" she picks up a pen and scribbles a signature at the bottom of a document.

"what's up" i cross my arms, my eyebrows knitted together while i listen

"Dante, he and I worked together while you and Enzo were in Russia to find some club owner ive been trying to track down, I finally got word about his whereabouts and I asked Alex to deal with him for me and gave her previous assignment to Maze, but there was some miscommunication and Alex completed her other assignment. so my guy is still not in a cell downstairs" she shoves the file back in the open desk drawer and slams it shut.

she dips into her chair, crosses her legs and reaches for the lighter that sits on the small table next to her chair, the one holding an opened pack of cigarettes and a bottle of channel.

"so what are you going to do?" I ask crossing my arms and leaning my weight against the door. she fires up the bud trapped between her red lips and drags.

"I have to go fix this shit myself because Alex is already out on another assignment, I gave it to her when I thought this had been dealt with and I can't send anyone else because I trust her with this particular issue the most." I nod in understanding.

"look" she knocks the ash off into the ashtray and connects her hands together, placing her elbows on top on the desk. "go to the meeting alone and catch me up when I'm back okay?" she says softly


I run downstairs and out the door. I get into my car and check the time,


I finally pull into the Rossi estate. I park my car and walk up the steps to the house. walking in I notice James, who was sitting in the living room. James is Dantes little brother. I wave to him before making my way up the stairs and towards the door to Dantes office.

I rap my knuckles against the door, but get no answer so I walk to Enzo's office instead and walk in to find both him and Dante sitting across from each other on the office chairs talking. both their heads turn to me. my eye catches Enzo's, he clenches his jaw and glares at me, then he turns back to Dante who greets me with a 'hey nic, please sit'. and hello to you too. I roll my eyes and brush it off making my way over to them. I sit on one of the chairs an listen to what they were saying.

"so now that we know that he's only after Valerie that makes it a little easier to come up with a plan" Dante continues as I listen intently, I feel Enzo's eyes on me and glance at him but as soon as I do he looks away and frowns back at what Dante is saying. "she'll move into the safe house tonight, its in the mountains about a 40 minute drive from here and no one knows of it but me Enzo and now you." he gestures at me and I nod. "

and only me Enzo Leo and you will know the address. which reminds me, I want to have Leo go with her too if thats okay with you. just incase anything happens or her location is somehow compromised. I wouldn't want her to have to fight back alone." i feel an evil smile come up on my face at the words slipping out of his mouth, making him chuckle. "I got it, don't worry" he continues to stare at me, "you sure? because if you don't want to deal with the wrath of Valerie I can do it for you" he smiles. "thanks but you're too young to have Valerie slice your head off."  I can't do that to him, Dante is too attractive to be the victim of my sister's homicidal temptations when she's mad.

"great, Enzo and I will pick you val and Leo up at 7 just so you can help her settle in and so you can see and know where the sage house is located" he says ringing his hands together. "got it" I say nodding my head. my gaze drifts to Enzo who is preoccupied with his phone and looks like he couldn't give two shits about what was going on. I open my moth to say something but stay quiet immediately after because I remember Dante is in the room. whatever, ill talk to him later.

I say goodbye to Dante and leave the estate. I have about 15 more minutes until I'm home. my mind drifts to the other night when Enzo and I were in Russia and everything that happened that one night. I remember the way his touch felt and the euphoric feelings he caused inside of me. I wanted to touch him again, to feel his body against me and the way his lips felt on mine but I don't know what any of this means or is.

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